
1219 解析数論の展望と諸問題   24

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  数理解析研究所講究録, 1219
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不定方程式研究の現状の紹介 (解析数論の展望と諸問題)
  森田, 康夫 (2001-07)
  数理解析研究所講究録, 1219: 1-10
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Diophantine equations over the twentieth century : a (very) brief overview (Analytic Number Theory : Expectations for the 21st Century)
  Bugeaud, Yann (2001-07)
  数理解析研究所講究録, 1219: 11-16
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約数問題とRiemannゼータ関数の二乗平均値問題についての補足的サーヴェイ (解析数論の展望と諸問題)
  松本, 耕二 (2001-07)
  数理解析研究所講究録, 1219: 17-32
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Ramifications of Probabilistic Number Theory (Analytic Number Theory : Expectations for the 21st Century)
  Elliot, P.D.T.A. (2001-07)
  数理解析研究所講究録, 1219: 33-50
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$SL(2,\mathbb{R})$のSelberg跡公式と低ウェイト保型形式空間の次元などについて (解析数論の展望と諸問題)
  荒川, 恒男 (2001-07)
  数理解析研究所講究録, 1219: 51-61
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金融の現場における一様分布列の応用について (解析数論の展望と諸問題)
  二宮, 祥一 (2001-07)
  数理解析研究所講究録, 1219: 62-67
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量指標を持つHecke $L$関数のUniversality theorem (解析数論の展望と諸問題)
  見正, 秀彦 (2001-07)
  数理解析研究所講究録, 1219: 68-76
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Hermitian canonical forms of integer matrices, and p-adic values of a multidimensional continued fraction (Analytic Number Theory : Expectations for the 21st Century)
  Tamura, Jun-ichi (2001-07)
  数理解析研究所講究録, 1219: 77-90
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二十世紀のワーリング問題とその周辺 (解析数論の展望と諸問題)
  川田, 浩一 (2001-07)
  数理解析研究所講究録, 1219: 91-102
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Distribution of Primes (Analytic Number Theory : Expectations for the 21st Century)
  Motohashi, Yoichi (2001-07)
  数理解析研究所講究録, 1219: 103-109
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Arithmetical properties of functions satisfying linear $q$-difference equations: a survey (Analytic Number Theory : Expectations for the 21st Century)
  Bundschuh, Peter (2001-07)
  数理解析研究所講究録, 1219: 110-121
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Transcendence of the values of certain lacunary series (Analytic Number Theory : Expectations for the 21st Century)
  Tanaka, Taka-aki (2001-07)
  数理解析研究所講究録, 1219: 122-130
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2次体のイデアルの個数関数を含む指数和について (解析数論の展望と諸問題)
  古屋, 淳 (2001-07)
  数理解析研究所講究録, 1219: 131-141
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二項方程式を満たす原始根の分布について (解析数論の展望と諸問題)
  竹内, 良平 (2001-07)
  数理解析研究所講究録, 1219: 142-150
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Linear Forms in Logarithms on Elliptic Curves (Analytic Number Theory : Expectations for the 21st Century)
  平田, 典子 (2001-07)
  数理解析研究所講究録, 1219: 151-158
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The first hundred years of algorithmic theory of diophantine equations (Analytic Number Theory : Expectations for the 21st Century)
  Petho, Attila (2001-07)
  数理解析研究所講究録, 1219: 159-184
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On a paper of Hermite and Diophantine Approximation of Abelian Integrals (Analytic Number Theory : Expectations for the 21st Century)
  Huttner, Marc (2001-07)
  数理解析研究所講究録, 1219: 185-194
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保型$L$-関数の族のuniversality theorem (解析数論の展望と諸問題)
  名越, 弘文 (2001-07)
  数理解析研究所講究録, 1219: 195-205
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Quatntum Ergodicity of Eisenstein series for Arithmetic 3-Manifolds (Analytic Number Theory : Expectations for the 21st Century)
  Koyama, Shin-ya (2001-07)
  数理解析研究所講究録, 1219: 206-220
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