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タイトル: 吸血鬼と恐れの変容 : 心理臨床における異界との関わりについての一考察
その他のタイトル: Vampires and the transformation of fear : a study about the relationship with the other world in psychotherapy
著者: 井上, 嘉孝  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Inoue, Yoshitaka
発行日: 31-Mar-2007
出版者: 京都大学大学院教育学研究科
誌名: 京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要
巻: 53
開始ページ: 72
終了ページ: 84
抄録: 本稿では、人々に恐怖をかき立てる代表的な怪物である吸血鬼とその変化を取り上げる。死の観念をめぐる文化や宗教性といった背景を抜きにして吸血鬼を論じることはできない。しかしそのような議論に立ち入ることは最低限に留め、心理臨床の視点から吸血鬼と恐れについて検討し、それが心にとって何を意味するか考察していきたい。
Psychological problems generate fear and anxiety. In psychotherapy, it is necessary to consider the other world ("IKAI" in a term of folk studies). This paper focuses on the vampire image and its change from a viewpoint of clinical psychology. According to Slavic folklore, vampires were characteristically dead persons who had come back to life to harm people. They would appear at night to drink the blood of close relatives. The victims themselves then had the possibility of becoming vampires. For these reasons, the people feared vampires. So, vampires are destroyed substantially by the artificial work as burning and/or impaling with a stake. On the basis of historical background, along with the fundamental discovery about human existence from the 19th century, vampires lost their substantiality and were transformed. Until now, they have held mental agony. It is a symbol of internalization of "IKAI". We need to tackle a vampire psychologically. Therefore to consider the meaning of vampire image and the relationship with the other world in our time, one dream is indicated and discussed. We must discover the meaning of the fear as a moment of meeting the sacred, which needs the worship. For the transformation of fear, continuation and artificiality is suggested. So, the vampire image helps to meet and transform fear.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/43992


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