文献一覧(目次の昇順ソート): 1 - 10 / 10
書誌情報 | ファイル |
34(2)号表紙 (2000-03) ZINBUN, 34(2) | |
34(2)号扉 (2000-03) ZINBUN, 34(2) | |
34(2)奥付 (2000-03) ZINBUN, 34(2) | |
CONTENTS (2000-03) ZINBUN, 34(2) | |
Place of Gopitṛyajña Rite of the Vādhūla School IKARI, Yasuke (2000-03) ZINBUN, 34(2): 1-30 | |
Between Love Letter and Newspaper --The Polish Royal Authority and News Media in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries-- KOYAMA, Satoshi (2000-03) ZINBUN, 34(2): 31-49 | |
A Common Passage on the Supreme Prāṋa in the Three Earliest Upaniṣads(JUB 1, 60-2,12; BĀU 1,3;ChU 1,2) FUJII, Masato (2000-03) ZINBUN, 34(2): 51-86 | |
The Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake and Town-Making Towards Multiculturalism TAKEZAWA, Yasuko I. (2000-03) ZINBUN, 34(2): 87-99 | |
Vāc as a Goddess of Victory in the Veda and her relation to Durgā PARPOLA, Asko (2000-03) ZINBUN, 34(2): 101-143 | |
The Agricultural Texts of Ur III Lagash of the British Museum (XII) MAEKAWA, Kazuya (2000-03) ZINBUN, 34(2): 145-166 |
文献一覧(目次の昇順ソート): 1 - 10 / 10