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Harmonic Analysis on Complex Random Systems
  Infinite dimensional harmonic analysis : transactions of a Japanese-German Symposium, held from September 20th to 24th, 1999, at the University of Kyoto (2000): 160-166
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Harmonic Analysis on Negatively Curved Manifolds --Carleson measure, Brownian motion and a gradient estimate for harmonic functions--
  ARAI, Hitoshi (2000)
  Infinite dimensional harmonic analysis : transactions of a Japanese-German Symposium, held from September 20th to 24th, 1999, at the University of Kyoto (2000): 55-69
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Hinduism in Singapore: Ethno-nationalization in Process
  Tanaka, Masakazu (2003)
  Dynamics of Cultures and Systems in the Pacific Rim: Anthropological Studies. Junji Koizumi (ed.) . Osaka University Press, 2003, pp.15-34.
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<History> History of the Tibetan Language
  TAKEUCHI, Tsuguhito (2021-03-20)
  Grammatical Phenomena of Sino-Tibetan Languages 4: Link languages and archetypes in Tibeto-Burman (2021): 303-323
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  Horiba, Shinkichi (1951-02-15)
  The Commemoration volume for the silver jubilee (1951): 163-171
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  Horiba, Shinkichi (1938-04-15)
  10 Jahre Institut für chemische Forschung (kaiserliche Universitaet Kyoto) (1938), 1925-1935: 98-114
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  Horio, Masao (1951-02-15)
  The Commemoration volume for the silver jubilee (1951): 126-129
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Hormone Hunters: The Discovery of Adrenaline
  ISHIDA, Mitsuo (2018-09-05)
  Kyoto University Press: 1-203
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How was Du Yu Perceived in Northern Wei?: Which of his accomplishments garnered attention, and how were they appraised?
  IKEDA, Yukiya (2021)
  京都大学大学院文学研究科・文学部 人文知連携拠点: 1-16
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Hypergroup Actions and Wavelets
  Hinz, Juri (2000)
  Infinite dimensional harmonic analysis : transactions of a Japanese-German Symposium, held from September 20th to 24th, 1999, at the University of Kyoto (2000): 167-176
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I 人間生存条件の危機 : その本質と構造
  志岐, 常正 (1984-03)
  人間生存の危機 : 地球史の中で考える (1984): 1-25
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I 文学部百年によせて
  『京都大学文学部の百年』編集委員会 (2006-06-10)
  京都大学文学部の百年 (2006): 2-83
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I 概要と事業の状況
  京都大学大学文書館自己点検・評価報告書 : 2016-2019年度 (2020): 1-16
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  山田, 耕作 (2013-06)
  『予防原則・リスク論に関する研究 : 環境・安全社会に向けて』日本科学者会議・日本環境学会編 (2013): 61-74
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II 文学部百年のあゆみ
  『京都大学文学部の百年』編集委員会 (2006-06-10)
  京都大学文学部の百年 (2006): 86-113
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II 自己評価
  京都大学大学文書館自己点検・評価報告書 : 2016-2019年度 (2020): 17-20
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III 専修のプロフィール
  『京都大学文学部の百年』編集委員会 (2006-06-10)
  京都大学文学部の百年 (2006): 116-181
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Individual Activity Anomaly Estimation in Operating Rooms Based on Time-Sequential Prediction
  Yokoyama, Koji; Yamamoto, Goshiro; Liu, Chang; Kishimoto, Kazumasa; Mori, Yukiko; Kuroda, Tomohiro (2024)
  MEDINFO 2023 — The Future Is Accessible (2024): 284-288
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An Industrialization Deal in 1868 Japan: Glover the Scotsman in Nagasaki
  Baber, William W. (2019-10)
  Landmark Negotiations from Around the World: Lessons for Modern Diplomacy (2019): 219-229
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An industrialization deal in 1868 Japan: Glover the Scotsman in Nagasaki
  BABER, William W. (2019)
  Landmark Negotiations from Around the World : Lessons for Modern Diplomacy (2019): 219-229
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