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検索結果表示: 96 - 115 / 399 < 前ページ   次ページ >
II Hommage a Ettore Gelpi(Divisional title)
  Lifelong education and libraries, 3: 69-69
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III La Memoire de Ettore Gelpi(1)(Part 1 Memorial Articles for Ettore Gelpi)
  Sur, J.; Ramirez, G.; Conti, A.; Cavicchioni, V.; Scocuglia, A. C.; Mamadou Dia et Outlimata; CCOO de Catalunya; Tanaka, H.; Matsuura, K.; pep praricio guadas; Morand, P.; Hesse, P-J.; Stefani, A; Josephifuel; Uribe, I. E.; Ramirez, J. M.; Illiassou, H.; Puig i Valls, A.; Ferhat, B.; Martinez, L. P.; Sow, Mama; Diakite, C.; Tidafi, T.; Mileriaux, J. R. (2003-06)
  Lifelong education and libraries, 3: 93-118
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III La Memoire de Ettore Gelpi(2)(Part 1 Memorial Articles for Ettore Gelpi)
  Gli amici salutano (2003-06)
  Lifelong education and libraries, 3: 119-119
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III La Memoire de Ettore Gelpi(3)(Part 1 Memorial Articles for Ettore Gelpi)
  Monde, Le; Republica, La; Stampa, La; Paris, El (2003-06)
  Lifelong education and libraries, 3: 120-122
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In Ricordo di Ettore Gelpi(II Hommage a Ettore Gelpi, Part 1 Memorial Articles for Ettore Gelpi)
  Colombo, Arturo; Macchieraldo, Maria Modaffari; Macchieraldo, Domenico; Negri Tedeschi, F. (2003-06)
  Lifelong education and libraries, 3: 81-86
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Innovation und Ideologic. Walter Hofmann und sein Büchereiwerk in Dresden-Plauen und Leipzig
  Vodosek, Peter (2006-03)
  Lifelong education and libraries, 6: 9-29
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J. ハーバーマスの「再構成」論 : 「事実性」と「妥当」を機軸に
  林, 美輝 (2002-03-25)
  京都大学生涯教育学・図書館情報学研究, 1: 59-73
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Korean Women's Cultural Activities and Lifelong Learning Needs
  Kwak, Samgeun (2002-03)
  Lifelong education and libraries, 2: 89-105
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„Körper und Stimme leiht die Schrift dem stummen Gedanken“ Anmerkungen zur Geschichte der Gesprächs-, Schrift- und Lesekultur
  Vodosek, Peter (2011-11)
  Lifelong education and libraries, 11: 89-99
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Kyoto University Digital Library and Institutional Repository
  Goto, Keita (2006-11-30)
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A Learning Society for the Promotion of Lifelong Learning in Japan
  Yamaguchi, Makoto (2002-03)
  Lifelong education and libraries, 2: 119-132
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I Les Travaux de Ettore Gelpi(Divisional title)
  Lifelong education and libraries, 3
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A Library : A Silent Sign in City Development(Lifelong and Continuing Education in Libraries)
  Koren, Marian (2005-05-01)
  Lifelong education and libraries, 5: 11-24
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The Library and the City : Evolving Concepts(Lifelong and Continuing Education in Libraries)
  Byrne, Alex (2005-05-01)
  Lifelong education and libraries, 5: 1-9
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Library as a Provider of Lifelong Education : e-Learning Programs Provided by Feng Chia University Library(Lifelong and Continuing Education in Libraries)
  Poon, Paul W.T. (2005-05-01)
  Lifelong education and libraries, 5: 77-86
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Library Knowledge Service: Meeting the New Requirement in the Development of Shanghai(Lifelong and Continuing Education in Libraries)
  Ge, Yimin; Liu, Xiao Dan (2005-05-01)
  Lifelong education and libraries, 5: 87-95
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Library Services for the Women's Empowerment : Activities of the Library, Osaka Prefectural Women's Center Library(Lifelong and Continuing Education in Libraries)
  KINOSHITA, Miyuki (2005-05-01)
  Lifelong education and libraries, 5: 69-76
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Library Services to the Visually Handicapped in Korea : Changes in the Information Environment and Role of Braille Library(Lifelong and Continuing Education in Libraries)
  Kim, Jihyun (2005-05-01)
  Lifelong education and libraries, 5: 109-117
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Lifelong and Continuing Education in Libraries : Introductory Remark
  Wu, Jianzhong; KAWASAKI, Yoshitaka (2005-05-01)
  Lifelong education and libraries, 5
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Lifelong Education and Libraries
  Lifelong education and libraries, 2
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