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Negation and polarity-reversing effect of an interrogative marker in Pwo Karen
  KATO, Atsuhiko (2022-02-15)
  Grammatical Phenomena of Sino-Tibetan Languages 5: Diversity of Negation (2022): 183-202
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Negation in Kho-Bwa: A typological comparison
  Bodt, Timotheus Adrianus (2022-02-15)
  Grammatical Phenomena of Sino-Tibetan Languages 5: Diversity of Negation (2022): 203-237
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Negation in Mu-nya
  IKEDA, Takumi (2022-02-15)
  Grammatical Phenomena of Sino-Tibetan Languages 5: Diversity of Negation (2022): 105-115
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Negation in nDrapa --A morphosyntactic description--
  SHIRAI, Satoko (2022-02-15)
  Grammatical Phenomena of Sino-Tibetan Languages 5: Diversity of Negation (2022): 167-181
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Negation in rGyalrong
  NAGANO, Yasuhiko (2022-02-15)
  Grammatical Phenomena of Sino-Tibetan Languages 5: Diversity of Negation (2022): 117-140
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Negation in the Sino-Tibetan Context --A Brief Introduction--
  HAYASHI, Norihiko (2022-02-15)
  Grammatical Phenomena of Sino-Tibetan Languages 5: Diversity of Negation (2022): 1-39
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Negation patterns in Meche
  KIRYU, Kazuyuki (2022-02-15)
  Grammatical Phenomena of Sino-Tibetan Languages 5: Diversity of Negation (2022): 261-276
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Nerve Equation and Chaos
  Yoshizawa, Shuji (1997)
  Chaos Memorial Symposium in Asuka : selected papers dedicated to professor Yoshisuke Ueda on the occasion of his 60th birthday, p.19-23
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A New Classification of Strange Attractors of Chaos from Mutual Information
  Okamura, Noriaki; Okamoto, Hisao; Tomii, Shoji (1997)
  Chaos Memorial Symposium in Asuka : selected papers dedicated to professor Yoshisuke Ueda on the occasion of his 60th birthday, p.79-84
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<<New Philosophy calls all in doubt>> --Harriotの<<De Infinitis>>と1610年前後のDonne--
  岡村, 眞紀子 (2018-03-29)
  天野惠先生退職記念論文集 (2018): 131-151
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A New Step Forward, Announced by the Perfect Coffee
  Nishi, Yoshimi (2016-10)
  カラフル!インドネシア (2016): 38-39
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  Nodzu, Ryuzaburo (1951-02-15)
  The Commemoration volume for the silver jubilee (1951): 19-27
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Nonlinear Oscillations in Power Circuits : Short History and Recent Research
  Okumura, Kohshi (1997)
  Chaos Memorial Symposium in Asuka : selected papers dedicated to professor Yoshisuke Ueda on the occasion of his 60th birthday, p.25-34
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Nuclear Reactor Physics Experiments
  Misawa, Tsuyoshi; Unesaki, Hironobu; Pyeon, Cheolho (2010)
  Kyoto University Press: 1-129
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  Oda, Ryohei (1951-02-15)
  The Commemoration volume for the silver jubilee (1951): 103-112
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  Ogiu, Kikuo (1951-02-15)
  The Commemoration volume for the silver jubilee (1951): 45-52
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On a Factor for the Occurrence of Variant Readings in the Tibetan Canon
  ONODA, Shunzo (2018-03-31)
  チベット・ヒマラヤ文明の歴史的展開 (2018): 401-411
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On Arithmetic Quantum Field Theory
  Arai, Asao (2000)
  Infinite dimensional harmonic analysis : transactions of a Japanese-German Symposium, held from September 20th to 24th, 1999, at the University of Kyoto (2000): 40-54
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On automorphic functions and the reciprocity law in a number field
  Kubota, Tomio (1969)
  Lectures in Mathematics (1969), 2
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On automorphism group of k[x, y]
  Nagata, Masayoshi (1972)
  Lectures in Mathematics (1972), 5
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