ブラウズ : 資料種別 Book

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検索結果表示: 389 - 408 / 1264 < 前ページ   次ページ >
V 関連団体
  『京都大学文学部の百年』編集委員会 (2006-06-10)
  京都大学文学部の百年 (2006): 190-199
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VI ポンポナッツィ
  伊藤, 和行 (2007-05-10)
  ルネサンス : 世界と人間の再発見 (2007): 257-274
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VI 慣習継承の政治学 : スマトラ二州に見る公的継承プロジェクトの限界
  岡本, 正明 (2012-09-25)
  民族大国インドネシア : 文化継承とアイデンティティ (2012): 221-247
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Viral Nature of the Aquatic Ecosystems
  Morimoto, Daichi; Tominaga, Kento; Takebe, Hiroaki; Šulčius, Sigitas; Yoshida, Takashi (2022)
  The Biological Role of a Virus (2022): 3-25
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Visual Documentary Project Archive 2012-2021
  ロペズ, マリオ; 山本, 博之; 石神, 祥子 (2023-03-20)
  京都大学東南アジア地域研究研究所: 1-29
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<Vocabulary> An Introduction to Khengkha: A Language of Central Bhutan
  IKEDA, Takumi (2021-03-20)
  Grammatical Phenomena of Sino-Tibetan Languages 4: Link languages and archetypes in Tibeto-Burman (2021): 71-119
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<Vocabulary> Basic Vocabulary of Khengkha with English-Chinese Index Ver. 6 (2021/02/28)
  IKEDA, Takumi (2021-03-20)
  Grammatical Phenomena of Sino-Tibetan Languages 4: Link languages and archetypes in Tibeto-Burman (2021): 121-241
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<Vocabulary> Lamei, another dialect of Lamo (mDzogong, TAR) --Vocabulary and sentence structure--
  SUZUKI Hiroyuki; Sonam, Wangmo; Tsering, Samdrup (2021-03-20)
  Grammatical Phenomena of Sino-Tibetan Languages 4: Link languages and archetypes in Tibeto-Burman (2021): 25-69
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  Watanabe, Toshio (1938-04-15)
  10 Jahre Institut für chemische Forschung (kaiserliche Universitaet Kyoto) (1938), 1925-1935: 86-95
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Welcome! 京大 : 京大生がつくるキャンパスマップ
  Welcome! 京大プロジェクトチーム (2010-12)
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What is humanosphere? Vol. 1
  Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere, Kyoto University (2015)
  生存圏って何?? (2015), 1: 1-29
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Workshop on Tools for Natech Risk Management : practical demonstration of some available tools for Natech risk assessment, risk mitigation and emergency planning for various types of natural hazards.
  Cruz, Ana Maria; Aoki, Shin-ichi (2017-03-13)
  The Disaster Prevention Research Institute (DPRI), Kyoto University.: 1-85
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XVII ガリレオ
  伊藤, 和行 (2007-05-10)
  ルネサンス : 世界と人間の再発見 (2007): 603-628
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  Inouye, Yoshiyuki (1951-02-15)
  The Commemoration volume for the silver jubilee (1951): 139-147
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  Yukawa, Hideki (1951-02-15)
  The Commemoration volume for the silver jubilee (1951): 148-153
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فهرست کتابهای فارسی موجود در کتابخانه مرکزی دانشگاه کیوتو
  京都大学附属図書館: 1-210
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  蒲生, 諒太 (2015-03-31)
  学びの海への船出 : 探究活動の輝きに向けて. Launch out into the ocean of learning! (2015): 160-165
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  蒲生, 諒太 (2015-03-31)
  学びの海への船出 : 探究活動の輝きに向けて. Launch out into the ocean of learning! (2015): 440-447
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  荒木, 徹; 廣田, 勇; 竹本, 修三 (2010-10-25)
  京大地球物理学研究の百年(II) (2010), 2: 151-151
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  竹本, 修三; 廣田, 勇 (2011-10-15)
  京大地球物理学研究の百年(III) (2011), 3: 126-126
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