
Vol.9 No.2   9

文献一覧(目次の昇順ソート): 1 - 9 / 9
  Pan Africa News, 9(2)
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<Forum> Establishing a long-term veterinary project for free-ranging chimpanzees in Tanzania
  Lukasik, Magdalena (2002-12)
  Pan Africa News, 9(2): 13-17
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<Forum> Chimpanzee viewing and regulation: Mahale Mountains National Park
  Purcell, Zoe (2002-12)
  Pan Africa News, 9(2): 17-19
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<Note> New record of algae feeding and scooping by Pan t. troglodytes at Lokoué Bai in Odzala National Park, Republic of Congo
  Devos, C.; Gatti, S.; Levréo, F. (2002-12)
  Pan Africa News, 9(2): 19-21
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<Note> Social scratch among chimpanzees in Gombe
  Shimada, Masaki (2002-12)
  Pan Africa News, 9(2): 21-23
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<Note> Competition between baboons and chimpanzees at Mahale
  Nishida, Toshisada (2002-12)
  Pan Africa News, 9(2): 23-26
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<News> Human baby killed by Gombe chimpanzee
  Kamenya, Shadrack (2002-12)
  Pan Africa News, 9(2): 26-26
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<Editorial> A request for conservation NGO/NPOs: for the great apes' "world heritage status"
  PAN editors (2002-12)
  Pan Africa News, 9(2): 26-27
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<Letter to Editor> Orphanage of great ape babies
  Basabose, Augustin Kanyunyi (2002-12)
  Pan Africa News, 9(2): 27-28
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文献一覧(目次の昇順ソート): 1 - 9 / 9