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タイトル: Assessment Social Impact of debris flow disaster by Social Vulnerability Index
著者: Liu, Ko-Fei
Lee, Hsin-Chi
Wu, Ying-Hsin
発行日: 7-Oct-2012
誌名: Kyoto Conference Proceedings (The Tenth International Symposium on Mitigation of Geo-disasters in Asia
開始ページ: 24
終了ページ: 31
論文番号: 共同研究(一般研究集会)24K-02
抄録: In Taiwan, disaster assessment has been an important topics for over 10 years. Assessment method was used as delineation method in the beginning. Then assessment is improved to cover financial loss in a disaster. However, recently, researchers realized that to assess a hazard is not just delineating, the possible loss from a hazard also depends on the social vulnerability (SV) of the local area. Therefore, this paper introduces an assessment method using the SV evaluation system. SV evaluation system is a data base system containing results of social impact and people awareness investigation in Taiwan. The new method can give a very different assessment in loss for debris flow hazard. This paper also uses a typical town in Kaoshiung, southwest Taiwan, as an example. The assessment with or without SV index results in an order of magnitude difference in financial estimation.
記述: The Tenth International Symposium on Mitigation of Geo-disasters in Asia. Kyoto Symposium. Place: Uji Campus, Kyoto University. Date: 7 October 2012
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/180439
出現コレクション:Kyoto Conference Proceedings


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