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タイトル: Distribution of Fos-immunoreactive cells in rat forebrain and midbrain following social defeat stress and diazepam treatment.
著者: Lkhagvasuren, B
Oka, T
Nakamura, Y
Hayashi, H
Sudo, N
Nakamura, K  KAKEN_id
著者名の別形: 中村, 和弘
キーワード: emotion
psychological stress-induced hyperthermia
psychogenic fever
psychosocial stress
stress circuit
発行日: 11-Jul-2014
出版者: Elsevier Ltd.
誌名: Neuroscience
巻: 272
開始ページ: 34
終了ページ: 57
抄録: The anxiolytic diazepam selectively inhibits psychological stress-induced autonomic and behavioral responses without causing noticeable suppression of other central performances. This pharmacological property of diazepam led us to the idea that neurons that exhibit diazepam-sensitive, psychological stress-induced activation are potentially those recruited for stress responses. To obtain neuroanatomical clues for the central stress circuitries, we examined the effects of diazepam on psychological stress-induced neuronal activation in broad brain regions. Rats were exposed to a social defeat stress, which caused an abrupt increase in body temperature by up to 2°C. Pretreatment with diazepam (4mg/kg, i.p.) attenuated the stress-induced hyperthermia, confirming an inhibitory physiological effect of diazepam on the autonomic stress response. Subsequently, the distribution of cells expressing Fos, a marker of neuronal activation, was examined in 113 forebrain and midbrain regions of these rats after the stress exposure and diazepam treatment. The stress following vehicle treatment markedly increased Fos-immunoreactive (IR) cells in most regions of the cerebral cortex, limbic system, thalamus, hypothalamus and midbrain, which included parts of the autonomic, neuroendocrine, emotional and arousal systems. The diazepam treatment significantly reduced the stress-induced Fos expression in many brain regions including the prefrontal, sensory and motor cortices, septum, medial amygdaloid nucleus, medial and lateral preoptic areas, parvicellular paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus, dorsomedial hypothalamus, perifornical nucleus, tuberomammillary nucleus, association, midline and intralaminar thalami, and median and dorsal raphe nuclei. In contrast, diazepam increased Fos-IR cells in the central amygdaloid nucleus, medial habenular nucleus, ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus and magnocellular lateral hypothalamus. These results provide important information for elucidating the neural circuitries that mediate the autonomic and behavioral responses to psychosocial stressors.
著作権等: © 2014 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
This is not the published version. Please cite only the published version.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/187801
DOI(出版社版): 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2014.04.047
PubMed ID: 24797330


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