
Vol.7 No.6   9

文献一覧(目次の昇順ソート): 1 - 9 / 9
Cover and Contents
  Memoirs of the College of Science, Kyoto Imperial University. Series A, 7(6)
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Über den Gleichgewichtszustand Gemischter Salzlösung
  Sasaki, Nobuji (1925-03-30)
  Memoirs of the College of Science, Kyoto Imperial University. Series A, 7(6): 361-368
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Über die Dissoziation Mehratomiger Salze
  Sasaki, Nobuji (1925-03-30)
  Memoirs of the College of Science, Kyoto Imperial University. Series A, 7(6): 369-376
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On the Synthesis of the Phosphoric Acid Esters, II : Synthesis of Some Glucose Monophosphoric Acid Esters and their Behavior toward Yeast
  Komatsu, Shigeru; Nodzu, Ryuzaburo (1925-03-30)
  Memoirs of the College of Science, Kyoto Imperial University. Series A, 7(6): 377-387
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Studies on Camphor Series, IV
  Komatsu, Shigeru; Fujio, Chikau (1925-03-30)
  Memoirs of the College of Science, Kyoto Imperial University. Series A, 7(6): 389-395
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On the Biochemical Study of the Ripening of the Kaki-Fruit, VII
  Komatsu, Shigeru; Ishimasa, Motaro (1925-03-30)
  Memoirs of the College of Science, Kyoto Imperial University. Series A, 7(6): 397-401
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Studies on Catalytic Action, VIII : Catalytic Reduction of β-Naphthylamine
  Hara, Tohoru (1925-03-30)
  Memoirs of the College of Science, Kyoto Imperial University. Series A, 7(6): 403-407
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Some Fundamental Principles of the Author's Theory of the Dispersoid (Colloid) State
  von Weimarn, P. P. (1925-03-30)
  Memoirs of the College of Science, Kyoto Imperial University. Series A, 7(6): 409-422
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Cover and Contents of Volume VII, Index of Authors to Volume VII, Index of Subjects to Volume VII
  Memoirs of the College of Science, Kyoto Imperial University. Series A, 7(6)
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文献一覧(目次の昇順ソート): 1 - 9 / 9