
Vol.16 No.4   6

文献一覧(目次の昇順ソート): 1 - 6 / 6
Cover and Contents
  Memoirs of the College of Science, Kyoto Imperial University. Series A, 16(4)
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Über die Funktionen mit links beschränktem Realteil
  Kobori, Akira (1933-07-30)
  Memoirs of the College of Science, Kyoto Imperial University. Series A, 16(4): 219-242
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A Note on the Green Function of the Differential Equation Φ(y)+λ・y=o
  Sato, Tunezo (1933-07-30)
  Memoirs of the College of Science, Kyoto Imperial University. Series A, 16(4): 243-248
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Further X-Ray Studies in the Diffusion of the Nickel-Copper System
  Matano, Chujiro (1933-07-30)
  Memoirs of the College of Science, Kyoto Imperial University. Series A, 16(4): 249-259
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On the Density Current in the Ocean (I) : The Case of No Bottom-Current
  Nomitsu, Takaharu (1933-07-30)
  Memoirs of the College of Science, Kyoto Imperial University. Series A, 16(4): 261-274
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A Theory of the Rising Stage of Drift Current in the Ocean (II) : The Case of No Bottom-Friction
  Nomitsu, Takaharu (1933-07-30)
  Memoirs of the College of Science, Kyoto Imperial University. Series A, 16(4): 275-287
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文献一覧(目次の昇順ソート): 1 - 6 / 6