
Vol.18 No.5   6

文献一覧(目次の昇順ソート): 1 - 6 / 6
Cover and Contents
  Memoirs of the College of Science, Kyoto Imperial University. Series A, 18(5)
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Surface Fluctuations of Lake Biwa caused by the Muroto Typhoon
  Nomitsu, Takaharu (1935-09-30)
  Memoirs of the College of Science, Kyoto Imperial University. Series A, 18(5): 221-238
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A Theory of the Annual Variation of Temperature of Ocean or Lake
  Namekawa, Tadao (1935-09-30)
  Memoirs of the College of Science, Kyoto Imperial University. Series A, 18(5): 239-245
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Proper Oscillations of the Sea of Continental Shelf
  Nomitsu, Takaharu; Habu, Katakusu (1935-09-30)
  Memoirs of the College of Science, Kyoto Imperial University. Series A, 18(5): 247-253
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Volcanic Micro-Tremors and Eruption-Earthquakes : (Part I of the Geophysical Studies on the Volcano Aso)
  Sassa, Kenzo (1935-09-30)
  Memoirs of the College of Science, Kyoto Imperial University. Series A, 18(5): 255-293
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A Study on the Coastal Ground Water at Yumigahama, Tottori
  Toyohara, Yoshikazu (1935-09-30)
  Memoirs of the College of Science, Kyoto Imperial University. Series A, 18(5): 295-309
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文献一覧(目次の昇順ソート): 1 - 6 / 6