
Vol.19 No.1   4

文献一覧(目次の昇順ソート): 1 - 4 / 4
Cover and Contents
  Memoirs of the College of Science, Kyoto Imperial University. Series A, 19(1)
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A Functional Equation with the Definite Kernel
  Sato, Tunezo (1936-01-31)
  Memoirs of the College of Science, Kyoto Imperial University. Series A, 19(1): 1-9
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Micro-Seismometric Study on Eruptions of the Volcano Aso : (Part II of the Geophysical Studies on the Volcano Aso)
  Sassa, Kenzo (1936-01-31)
  Memoirs of the College of Science, Kyoto Imperial University. Series A, 19(1): 11-56
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The Voltage-Current Curves Obtained with an Electrolytic Cell and Electric Oscillations
  Terada, Tatsumi (1936-01-31)
  Memoirs of the College of Science, Kyoto Imperial University. Series A, 19(1): 57-64
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文献一覧(目次の昇順ソート): 1 - 4 / 4