
Vol.38 No.3   2

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Cover and Contents
  Memoirs of the Faculty of Science, Kyoto University. Series of physics, astrophysics, geophysics and chemistry, 38(3)
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Effective Lande Factors of the Solar Spectral Lines in 5000A-7000A and Sunspot Magnetic Fields
  Makita, Mitsugu; Yatagai, Hiroshi; Nakamura, Kenji; Fujikawa, Tsutomu; Hirose, Satoru (1993-03)
  Memoirs of the Faculty of Science, Kyoto University. Series of physics, astrophysics, geophysics and chemistry, 38(3): 255-313
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文献一覧(目次の昇順ソート): 1 - 2 / 2