
No.116 : Digital Technology Mediated Integration of Area Study and Design Study   8

文献一覧(目次の昇順ソート): 1 - 8 / 8
Cover, content etc.
  CIRAS discussion paper No.116: Digital Technology Mediated Integration of Area Study and Design Study, 116
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  CIRAS discussion paper No.116: Digital Technology Mediated Integration of Area Study and Design Study, 116: 4-6
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Chapter 1 Patterns of Co-presence in Contemporary Suburban Dwellings in Western Province, Sri Lanka with Special Reference to Long-Distance Online Field Studies
  SEEKKUARACHCHIGE, Mihiri Hirudini (2022-03-31)
  CIRAS discussion paper No.116: Digital Technology Mediated Integration of Area Study and Design Study, 116: 7-32
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Chapter 2 Experiments on Creation of Virtual Fields for Mutual Interaction: Remote studio courses on Colombo, Sri Lanka, and Kawagoe, Japan
  YAMADA, Kyota (2022-03-31)
  CIRAS discussion paper No.116: Digital Technology Mediated Integration of Area Study and Design Study, 116: 33-42
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Chapter 3 Reconstruction of the Spatial Composition and Microclimate of “Siheyuan” in Qing Dynasty, Beijing Through Cross Disciplinary Research: Towards clarification of the climate responsive mechanisms of vernacular architecture
  JIANG, Guangbo (2022-03-31)
  CIRAS discussion paper No.116: Digital Technology Mediated Integration of Area Study and Design Study, 116: 43-62
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Chapter 4 Proposed Model House for the Low-income Parents of Samanera Theros in Rural Villages in Sri Lanka: An example of village culture, construction system, and microclimate simulations integrated in architectural design
  YAMADA, Kyota; SEEKKUARACHCHIGE, Mihiri Hirudini; JIANG, Guangbo (2022-03-31)
  CIRAS discussion paper No.116: Digital Technology Mediated Integration of Area Study and Design Study, 116: 63-70
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Chapter 5 Analysis and Reconstruction of the Algorithmic Composition of the Muqarnas of the Main Gate of the Ottoman Mosque Atik Valide (Istanbul, Turkey): Creation of new geometric forms
  HONG, Haolin (2022-03-31)
  CIRAS discussion paper No.116: Digital Technology Mediated Integration of Area Study and Design Study, 116: 71-94
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Chapter 6 The Network Turn in Fieldwork and Architectural Design: A local cultural center project and an online relief project during the COVID-19 crisis in the historical area of Colombo, Sri Lanka
  YAMADA, Kyota (2022-03-31)
  CIRAS discussion paper No.116: Digital Technology Mediated Integration of Area Study and Design Study, 116: 95-115
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文献一覧(目次の昇順ソート): 1 - 8 / 8