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タイトル: <資料>芦生研究林の大型土壌動物相
その他のタイトル: Soil Mcrofauna collected from Ashiu Forest Research Station of Kyoto University.
著者: 渡辺, 弘之  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: WATANABE, Hiroyuki
キーワード: 大型土壌動物
soil macrofauna
Ashu Forest Research Station
発行日: 2023
出版者: 京都大学フィールド科学教育研究センター森林生態系部門
誌名: 森林研究
巻: 82
開始ページ: 17
終了ページ: 28
抄録: 芦生研究林でこれまで調べられていない大型土壌動物相,とくにミミズ,マイマイ,カニムシ,ザトウムシ,等脚類(ダンゴムシ・ワラジムシ),端脚類(ヨコエビ),多足類(ムカデ,ヤスデ)について調べた.ミミズ類17種,マイマイ10種,カニムシ4種,等脚類6種,端脚類1種,ザトウムシ12種,多足類のムカデ21種,ヤスデ13種,コムカデ1種が記録できた.芦生からはすでに等脚類でニホンチビヒメフナムシとアシュウハヤシワラジムシが新種記載されているが,本調査によっても,ミミズ,ムカデ,ヤスデ類に新種と判断されるものがあるが,まだ記載には至っていない.土壌動物相からも芦生は生物多様性に富んだ森林だと判断できる.
This study involved collecting soil macrofauna (notably worms, snails, false scorpions, isopod (woodlice), Amphipoda (Talitridae amphipod) and Myriapoda (centipedes and millipedes) that have never been studied at the Forest Research Station of Kyoto University. A record was made of the collected fauna, listing 17 species of Oligochaeta (earthworm), 10 of Gastropoda (snail), 6 of Pseudoscopiones (false scorpion), 6 of Isopoda, 1 of Amphipoda, 12 of Opiliones (harvestman), 21 of Chilopoda (centipede), 13 of Diplopoda (millipede) and 1 Symphyla. 2 species of isopods, Ligidium paulaum and Lucasioides ashiuensis were already described as new species from this forest Among the earthworms, millipedes and centipedes collected, several species have yet to be identified but would be described as new species. From this research, it is easy to see why the vegetation of the Forest Research Station of Kyoto University is recognized as rich in biological diversity.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/285514


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