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タイトル: Micropillar compression deformation of single crystals of Fe₃Ge with the L1₂ structure
著者: Chen, Zhenghao
Inui, Haruyuki  kyouindb  KAKEN_id  orcid https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0835-6725 (unconfirmed)
著者名の別形: 陳, 正昊
乾, 晴行
キーワード: Plastic deformation
L1₂ compound
Single crystal
Antiphase boundary
発行日: 15-Apr-2021
出版者: Elsevier BV
Acta Materialia Inc.
誌名: Acta Materialia
巻: 208
論文番号: 116779
抄録: The plastic deformation behavior of single crystals of Fe₃Ge with the L1₂ structure has been investigated at room temperature as a function of crystal orientation by micropillar compression tests. In addition to slip on (010), slip on (111) is observed to occur in Fe₃Ge for the first time. The CRSS (critical resolved shear stress) for (111)[10overline{1}] slip, estimated by extrapolating the size-dependent strength variation to the ‘bulk’ size, is ~240 MPa, which is almost 6 times that (~40 MPa) for (010)[10overline{1}] slip similarly estimated. The dissociation scheme for the superlattice dislocation with b=[10overline{1}] is confirmed to be of the APB (anti-phase boundary)-type both on (010) and on (111), in contrast to the previous prediction for the SISF (superlattice intrinsic stacking fault) scheme on (111) because of the expected APB instability. While superlattice dislocations do not have any preferential directions to align when gliding on (010) (indicative of low frictional stress at room temperature), the alignment of superlattice dislocations along their screw orientation is observed when gliding on (111). This is proved to be due to thermally-activated cross-slip to form Kear-Wilsdorf locks, indicative of the occurrence of yield stress anomaly that is observed in many other L12 compounds such as Ni₃Al. Some important deformation characteristics expected to occur in Fe₃Ge (such as the absence of SISF-couple dissociation and the occurrence of yield stress anomaly) will be discussed in the light of the experimental results obtained (APB energies on (111) and (010) and CRSS values for slip on (111) and (010)).
著作権等: © 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of Acta Materialia Inc.
This is an open access article under the CC BY license.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/285759
DOI(出版社版): 10.1016/j.actamat.2021.116779


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