
1241 数理最適化の理論とアルゴリズム   27

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  数理解析研究所講究録, 1241
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Heterogeneous Kinase Computing : A Novel Class of Optimization Algorithms Inspired by Molecular Biology (Mathematical Optimization Theory and its Algorithm)
  Liu, Jian-Qin; Shimohara, Katsunori (2001-12)
  数理解析研究所講究録, 1241: 1-9
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自然数パラメーターガンマ事前分布に従う未知インテンシティを持つポアソン到着選択問題の最適停止時刻について (数理最適化の理論とアルゴリズム)
  来島, 愛子; 穴太, 克則 (2001-12)
  数理解析研究所講究録, 1241: 10-18
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Jump-diffusion processを持つゲームオプションの価格付けと両プレーヤーの最適行使境界に関する数値計算について (数理最適化の理論とアルゴリズム)
  鈴木, 淳生; 瀬古, 進; 穴太, 克則 (2001-12)
  数理解析研究所講究録, 1241: 19-29
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貢献度に基づく協力ゲームの解とその応用 (数理最適化の理論とアルゴリズム)
  鶴見, 昌代; 谷野, 哲三; 乾口, 雅弘 (2001-12)
  数理解析研究所講究録, 1241: 30-38
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グラフのLaplace-Beltrami作用素とその応用 (数理最適化の理論とアルゴリズム)
  林, 幸雄 (2001-12)
  数理解析研究所講究録, 1241: 39-47
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Axis-bound CNN Problem (Mathematical Optimization Theory and its Algorithm)
  Yonezawa, Kouki; Iwama, Kazuo (2001-12)
  数理解析研究所講究録, 1241: 48-56
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不可分財をもつ経済均衡のM凸劣モジュラ流による定式化 (数理最適化の理論とアルゴリズム)
  室田, 一雄; 田村, 明久 (2001-12)
  数理解析研究所講究録, 1241: 57-65
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Scaling Algorithms for M-convex Function Minimization (Mathematical Optimization Theory and its Algorithm)
  Moriguchi, Satoko; Murota, Kazuo; Shioura, Akiyoshi (2001-12)
  数理解析研究所講究録, 1241: 66-74
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Applications of the Conti-Traverso Algorithm for Traveling Salesman Problems (Mathematical Optimization Theory and its Algorithm)
  Ito, Masashi; Hirabayashi, Ryuichi (2001-12)
  数理解析研究所講究録, 1241: 75-83
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極大鎖グラフを用いた順序複体のシェリング可能性の判定について (数理最適化の理論とアルゴリズム)
  伊藤, 美保; 平林, 隆一 (2001-12)
  数理解析研究所講究録, 1241: 84-93
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直角ノルムを用いた多目的配置問題の有効解について (数理最適化の理論とアルゴリズム)
  金, 正道 (2001-12)
  数理解析研究所講究録, 1241: 94-102
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サイジング効果付き記憶制限準ニュートン法 (数理最適化の理論とアルゴリズム)
  根岸, 達彦; 八巻, 直一; 矢部, 博 (2001-12)
  数理解析研究所講究録, 1241: 103-108
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Optimizing the largest eigenvalue of positive matrices having their rows belonging to polytopes (Mathematical Optimization Theory and its Algorithm)
  Sekitani, Kazuyuki; Okazaki, Mitsutaka (2001-12)
  数理解析研究所講究録, 1241: 109-117
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SELF-CONCORDANT BARRIERS AND CHEBYSHEV SYSTEMS (Mathematical Optimization Theory and its Algorithm)
  Faybusovich, Leonid (2001-12)
  数理解析研究所講究録, 1241: 118-126
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Single machine batching problem to minimize the sum of completion times with number of batches and batch size limitations (Mathematical Optimization Theory and its Algorithm)
  Muthusamy, Kanesan; Ishii, Hiroaki; Masuda, Teruo; Mohri, Shintaro (2001-12)
  数理解析研究所講究録, 1241: 127-138
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Greedy Splitting : A Unified Approach for Approximating Some Partition Problems (Mathematical Optimization Theory and its Algorithm)
  Zhao, Liang; Nagamochi, Hiroshi; Ibaraki, Toshihide (2001-12)
  数理解析研究所講究録, 1241: 139-147
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An $O(mn+n^2log n)$ Time Cactus Construction Algorithm (Mathematical Optimization Theory and its Algorithm)
  Nagamochi, Hiroshi; Nakamura, Shuji; Ishii, Toshimasa (2001-12)
  数理解析研究所講究録, 1241: 148-156
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A Ranged Laminar Family in Graphs and Its Application (Mathematical Optimization Theory and its Algorithm)
  Nagamochi, Hiroshi; Abe, Yuusuke; Ishii, Toshimasa (2001-12)
  数理解析研究所講究録, 1241: 157-165
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A NOTE ON THE ODDS-THEOREM (Mathematical Optimization Theory and its Algorithm)
  Tamaki, Mitsushi (2001-12)
  数理解析研究所講究録, 1241: 166-170
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