
Vol.22   9

文献一覧(目次の昇順ソート): 1 - 9 / 9
  音声科学研究, 22
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A Comparative Study of the Articulatory Development of a Normal Infant and Infants with Cleft Palate.
  Nakazima, Sei; Hirano, Nobuko; Inoue, Miyuki; Kawano, Michio; Kuniyoshi, Kyoko; Mitamura, Keiko; Okawa, Hiromi (1988)
  音声科学研究, 22: 1-19
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A Typological Parallel between Latin and Old Church Slavic.
  Yoshida, Kazuhiko (1988)
  音声科学研究, 22: 20-27
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Kana and Kanji Processing in Patients with Unilateral Brain Damage.
  Otsuka, Akira; Shimada, Mutsuo (1988)
  音声科学研究, 22: 28-38
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Voice Characteristics of Aged Persons.
  Mori, Kazunori; Haji, Tomoyuki; Kojima, Hisayoshi; Honjo, Iwao (1988)
  音声科学研究, 22: 39-49
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Studies on Speech Perception by Multiple Cochlear Implant.
  Ito, Juichi; Tsuji, Jun; Sakakibara, Junji; Takeuchi, Mariko; Honjo, Iwao (1988)
  音声科学研究, 22: 50-55
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Rehabilitation for Cochlear Implant Patients.
  Takeuchi, Mariko; Mori, Ayako; Tsuji, Jun; Kawano, Michio; Ito, Juichi; Honjo, Iwao (1988)
  音声科学研究, 22: 56-63
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Consideration on Syntactic Analyses for a Speech Understanding System.
  Nakagawa, Seiichi; Ohguro, Yoshihisa (1988)
  音声科学研究, 22: 64-82
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Application of Pair-Wise Discrimination Method to Japanese Consonant Recognition
  Kawahara, Tatsuya; Mizutani, Yoichi; Kitazawa, Shigeyoshi; Doshita, Shuji (1988)
  音声科学研究, 22: 83-93
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文献一覧(目次の昇順ソート): 1 - 9 / 9