
Vol.4   7

文献一覧(目次の昇順ソート): 1 - 7 / 7
  音声科学研究, 4
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アカ語の音素体系 : タイ国北部における山地民アカ族の言語の記述的研究
  西田, 龍雄 (1966)
  音声科学研究, 4: 1-36
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A Comparative Study of the Speech Developments of Japanese and American English in Childhood (2) : The Aquisition of Speech
  Nakazima, Sei (1966)
  音声科学研究, 4: 37-55
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Intelligibility of Interrupted Japanese Vowels
  Ohta, Fumihiko; Yanagihara, Naoaki; Hosoda, Iwao (1966)
  音声科学研究, 4: 56-69
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An Aerodynamic Study of the Articulatory Mechanism in the Production of Bilabial Stop Consonants
  Yanagihara, Naoaki; Charlene Hyde (1966)
  音声科学研究, 4: 70-80
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Pitch Extraction by Peak Detection Method with Multi-Channels
  Sakai, Toshiyuki; Doshita, Shuji; Tabata, Kou-ichi (1966)
  音声科学研究, 4: 81-89
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A Procedure for Formant Domain Extraction
  Sakai, Toshiyuki; Doshita, Shuji; Niimi, Yasuhisa (1966)
  音声科学研究, 4: 90-95
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文献一覧(目次の昇順ソート): 1 - 7 / 7