
1132 不確実・不確定性のもとでの数理的決定理論   33

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  数理解析研究所講究録, 1132
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A gold-mining problem : Optimal backup strategy in computer programs (Mathematical Decision Making under uncertainty and ambiguity)
  Sakaguchi, Minoru; Hamada, Toshio (2000-02)
  数理解析研究所講究録, 1132: 1-2
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Accumulation Gameについて (不確実・不確定性のもとでの数理的決定理論)
  菊田, 健作 (2000-02)
  数理解析研究所講究録, 1132: 3-8
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Continuous Accumulation Games : An Overview (Mathematical Decision Making under uncertainty and ambiguity)
  Ruckle, William H.; Kikuta, Kensaku (2000-02)
  数理解析研究所講究録, 1132: 9-14
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確率最適化における再帰式と決定樹表 (不確実・不確定性のもとでの数理的決定理論)
  岩本, 誠一 (2000-02)
  数理解析研究所講究録, 1132: 15-23
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区間デ-タの可能性AHPモデル (不確実・不確定性のもとでの数理的決定理論)
  杉原, 一臣; 前田, 豊; 田中, 英夫 (2000-02)
  数理解析研究所講究録, 1132: 24-27
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$MTP_2$の一般化と部分観測可能なマルコフ過程について (不確実・不確定性のもとでの数理的決定理論)
  中井, 達 (2000-02)
  数理解析研究所講究録, 1132: 28-36
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A Dual Fuzzy Dynamic Program for an Optimistic Decision Process (Mathematical Decision Making under uncertainty and ambiguity)
  藤田, 敏治 (2000-02)
  数理解析研究所講究録, 1132: 37-45
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On minimizing the number of late jobs with fuzzy processing times and due dates (Mathematical Decision Making under uncertainty and ambiguity)
  Sung, Shao Chin; Vlach, Milan (2000-02)
  数理解析研究所講究録, 1132: 46-50
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譲渡可能効用を持つ提携形ゲ-ムの均等解の一貫性について (不確実・不確定性のもとでの数理的決定理論)
  行方, 常幸 (2000-02)
  数理解析研究所講究録, 1132: 51-58
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ファジイ非線形写像の最小化に関するいくつかの話題について (不確実・不確定性のもとでの数理的決定理論)
  古川, 長太 (2000-02)
  数理解析研究所講究録, 1132: 59-63
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An algorithm for solving nonlinear equations arising from nonsmooth optimization problems via some generalized Newton method (Mathematical Decision Making under uncertainty and ambiguity)
  Saito, Seiji; Ishii, Hiroaki (2000-02)
  数理解析研究所講究録, 1132: 64-67
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Optimizing multiple selection with a randam number of objects : full information case (Mathematical Decision Making under uncertainty and ambiguity)
  Ano, Katsunori (2000-02)
  数理解析研究所講究録, 1132: 68-68
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N person stopping game with players given priority randomly (Mathematical Decision Making under uncertainty and ambiguity)
  Ramsey, David; Szajowski, Krzysztof (2000-02)
  数理解析研究所講究録, 1132: 69-74
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ON OPTIMAL CHOOSING OF ONE OF THE THREE BEST OBJECTS (Mathematical Decision Making under uncertainty and ambiguity)
  Porosinski, Zdzislaw (2000-02)
  数理解析研究所講究録, 1132: 75-83
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非線形大域結合写像モデルによるカオスを利用した最適化 (不確実・不確定性のもとでの数理的決定理論)
  奥原, 浩之; 田中, 稔次朗; 石井, 博昭 (2000-02)
  数理解析研究所講究録, 1132: 84-87
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確率ニュ-ラルネットを用いた意思決定支援システム (不確実・不確定性のもとでの数理的決定理論)
  奥原, 浩之; 三上, 大輔; 川畑, 興求 (2000-02)
  数理解析研究所講究録, 1132: 88-93
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Motives for Selecting a Strategy in a Non-cooperative Game (Mathematical Decision Making under uncertainty and ambiguity)
  Nakai, Teruhisa (2000-02)
  数理解析研究所講究録, 1132: 94-110
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不確実性下の農業技術評価モデルと支援システム (不確実・不確定性のもとでの数理的決定理論)
  南石, 晃明 (2000-02)
  数理解析研究所講究録, 1132: 111-115
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The Discrete-Time Opportunistic Replacement Models with Application to Scheduled Maintenance for Electric Switching Device (Mathematical Decision Making under uncertainty and ambiguity)
  Dohi, Tadashi; Fujihiro, Toshiyuki; Kaio, Naoto; Osaki, Shunji (2000-02)
  数理解析研究所講究録, 1132: 116-124
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