


検索結果表示: 1-10 / 19.
  三雲, 健 (2011-05)
  京都大学学術出版会: -191
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第1章 砕屑性堆積物の研究課題 (堆積物の研究法 : 礫岩・砂岩・泥岩)
  志岐, 常正 (1983-07)
  堆積物の研究法 : 礫岩・砂岩・泥岩. 砕屑性堆積物研究会編. 地学団体研究会, 1983, (地学双書,24).
I 人間生存条件の危機 : その本質と構造
  志岐, 常正 (1984-03)
  人間生存の危機 : 地球史の中で考える (1984): 1-25
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京都府の地形地質 : 自然環境保全のための基礎資料
  志岐, 常正 (1974-03)
  京都府公害対策室, 1974, 55p.
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第24章 若狭湾 (日本全国沿岸海洋誌)
  志岐, 常正 (1985-07)
  日本全国沿岸海洋誌 (1985): 947-957
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Reexamination of the "Phosphate Rocks" collected from the Northwestern Part of the Philippine Sea --with Special Reference to the Samples obtained by GDP Cruises (1972-1977)-- (Part II. Studies on Basement Rocks)
  MUSASHINO, Makoto; SHIKI, Tsunemasa (1985)
  Geology of the Northern Philippine Sea: Geological Results of the GDP Cruises of Japan (1985): 79-82
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Data Listing of the Bottom Materials Dredged and Cored from the Northern Philippine Sea (Part II. Studies on Basement Rocks)
  SHIKI, Tsunemasa; MIZUNO, Atsuyuki; KOBAYASHI, Kazuo (1985)
  Geology of the Northern Philippine Sea: Geological Results of the GDP Cruises of Japan (1985): 23-41
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Fundamental Problems in the Future Studies of the Philippine Sea (Part VIII. General Discussion)
  SHIKI, Tsunemasa; UYEDA, Seiya (1985)
  Geology of the Northern Philippine Sea: Geological Results of the GDP Cruises of Japan (1985): 281-286
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Outline of the Cruise GDP-8 (Part I. Outlines of the Geological Research Operations)
  KOBAYASHI, Kazuo; SHIKI, Tsunemasa (1985)
  Geology of the Northern Philippine Sea: Geological Results of the GDP Cruises of Japan (1985): 3-6
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Outline of the Cruises GDP-11, -15, -21, and -24 (Part I. Outlines of the Geological Research Operations)
  SHIKI, Tsunemasa (1985)
  Geology of the Northern Philippine Sea: Geological Results of the GDP Cruises of Japan (1985): 7-17
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