


検索結果表示: 1-10 / 867.
The changing role of a Vaidya (non-codified traditional doctor) in the community health of Kerala, Southern India: comparison of treatment-seeking behaviours between the Vaidya's patients and community members.
  Matsuoka, Sachi (2015-07-10)
  Journal of ethnobiology and ethnomedicine, 11: 57
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<フィールドワーク便り>海は道, 空は地図
  中野, 真備 (2017-03)
  アジア・アフリカ地域研究, 16(2): 206-210
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<フィールドワーク便り>ネパール山間医療の過去と現在--村人と生きる, パルパ郡タンセン病院
  中村, 友香 (2017-03)
  アジア・アフリカ地域研究, 16(2): 202-206
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<Special Feature"Socio-Economic Role of Islamic Finance and its Potential in the Post-Capitalist Era">Exploring the Role of Islamic Microfinance Institution in Poverty Alleviation Through Microenterprises Development, A Case Study of Islamic Financial Cooperative (BMT) in Indonesia
  Nur Indah Riwajanti (2014-03-14)
  イスラーム世界研究, 7: 49-66
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<Special Feature"Socio-Economic Role of Islamic Finance and its Potential in the Post-Capitalist Era">Can Islamic Micro-financing Improve the Lives of the Clients: Evidence from a Non-Muslim Country
  Tawat Noipom (2014-03-14)
  イスラーム世界研究, 7: 67-97
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<Special Feature"Socio-Economic Role of Islamic Finance and its Potential in the Post-Capitalist Era">Islahi Social Capital: A Conceptual Approach Towards Faith-Based Development and Poverty Alleviation
  Maszlee Malik (2014-03-14)
  イスラーム世界研究, 7: 33-48
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Object transfer in request–accept sequence in Japanese caregiver–child interactions
  Takada, Akira; Endo, Tomoko (2015-06)
  Journal of Pragmatics, 82: 52-66
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Polymorphisms associated with a tropical climate and root crop diet induce susceptibility to metabolic and cardiovascular diseases in Solomon Islands
  Furusawa, Takuro; Naka, Izumi; Yamauchi, Taro; Natsuhara, Kazumi; Eddie, Ricky; Kimura, Ryosuke; Nakazawa, Minato; Ishida, Takafumi; Ohtsuka, Ryutaro; Ohashi, Jun (2017-03-02)
  PLOS ONE, 12(3): e0172676
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<書評>椎野若菜・的場澄人編. 『女も男もフィールドへ』(FENICS 100万人のフィールドワーカーシリーズ12)古今書院, 2016年, 226p.
  佐々木, 綾子 (2017-03)
  アジア・アフリカ地域研究, 16(2): 191-195
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<書評>戸田美佳子. 『越境する障害者―アフリカ熱帯林に暮らす障害者の民族誌』明石書店, 2015年, 224p.
  中村, 沙絵 (2017-03)
  アジア・アフリカ地域研究, 16(2): 185-188
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