
学術雑誌掲載論文等   174

文献一覧(発行日の降順ソート): 1 - 20 / 174
Physiological mechanism of acute exercise benefits for human cognition: possible involvement of dopamine release and central command
  Kuwamizu, Ryuta; Yamada, Yujiro (2024-03-15)
  The Journal of Physiology, 602(6): 997-999
Urban Streetscape Changes in Portland, Oregon: A Longitudinal Virtual Audit
  Hanibuchi, Tomoya; Nagata, Shohei; Banis, David; Shobe, Hunter; Nakaya, Tomoki (2024-03)
  The Professional Geographer, 76(2): 180-193
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  米家, 泰作 (2024-01)
  2023年度実習旅行報告書 --糸魚川市--: 121-128
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Grammatical number from an ecological perspective, focused on the “Here-Now-I-Real”
  SADANOBU, Toshiyuki (2023-12)
  American, British and Canadian Studies, 41(1): 73-98
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Visual memory of a co-actor's target during joint search
  Sakata, Chifumi; Ueda, Yoshiyuki; Moriguchi, Yusuke (2023-10)
  Psychological Research, 87(7): 2068-2085
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Psychophysiological responses of shame in young children: A thermal imaging study
  Ohigashi, Sho; Sakata, Chifumi; Kuroshima, Hika; Moriguchi, Yusuke (2023-10)
  PLOS ONE, 18(10)
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Book Review: A Sense of Plausibility in Vision and Music Perception by Yoshizawa, T.
  Ashida, Hiroshi (2023-09)
  Perception, 52(9): 676-677
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Pupil dynamics during very light exercise predict benefits to prefrontal cognition
  Kuwamizu, Ryuta; Yamazaki, Yudai; Aoike, Naoki; Hiraga, Taichi; Hata, Toshiaki; Yassa, Michael A.; Soya, Hideaki (2023-08-15)
  NeuroImage, 277
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The zooming-speed illusion: A meta illusion?
  Ashida, Hiroshi; Kitaoka, Akiyoshi (2023-07)
  i-Perception, 14(4)
The contextual cueing effect disappears during joint search in preschool children
  Sakata, Chifumi; Ueda, Yoshiyuki; Moriguchi, Yusuke (2023-03)
  Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 227
  伊藤, 憲二 (2023-01-01)
  情報の科学と技術, 73(1): 9-14
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Ethical Challenges of the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Japanese Perspective
  Kodama, Satoshi (2023)
  Journal of Medical Internet Research, 25
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推理小説の語りの歴史 --ディケンズ、ポーからフォークナーへ--(2023)
  佐々木, 徹 (2023)
  : 1-24
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Logic of alternative-I
  Deguchi, Yasuo; Onishi, Takuro; Akiyoshi, Ryota; Yagisawa, Takashi; Yamamori, Maiko (2022-12)
  Asian Journal of Philosophy, 1(2)
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近世ポーランド・リトアニア共和国における「蔵書」 --ヨーロッパ東部辺境からみる情報革命
  小山, 哲 (2022-12)
  歴史学研究, 1030: 16-25
Comparing measurements of head motion and centre of pressure for body sway induced by optic flow on a head-mounted display
  Ashida, Hiroshi; Fujimoto, Kanon (2022-10-14)
  Frontiers in Virtual Reality, 3
Gender stereotypes about intellectual ability in Japanese children
  Okanda, Mako; Meng, Xianwei; Kanakogi, Yasuhiro; Uragami, Moe; Yamamoto, Hiroki; Moriguchi, Yusuke (2022-10-11)
  Scientific Reports, 12
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  伊勢田, 哲治 (2022-04-01)
  哲学, 2022(73): 10-24
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<書評> 中島楽章著『大航海時代の海域アジアと琉球 : レキオスを求めて』
  中砂, 明徳 (2022-04)
  史学雑誌, 131(4): 499-508
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Postural adjustment as a function of scene orientation
  Fujimoto, Kanon; Ashida, Hiroshi (2022-03)
  Journal of Vision, 22(4)
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文献一覧(発行日の降順ソート): 1 - 20 / 174