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タイトル: Relationship between Helmholtz-resonance absorption and panel-type absorption in finite flexible microperforated-panel absorbers
著者: Toyoda, Masahiro
Mu, Rui Lin
Takahashi, Daiji
著者名の別形: 豊田, 政弘
高橋, 大弐
キーワード: Eigen-mode vibration
Helmholtz-resonance absorption
Mass-spring resonance
Microperforated-panel absorber
Panel-type absorption
発行日: Apr-2010
出版者: Elsevier
誌名: Applied Acoustics
巻: 71
号: 4
開始ページ: 315
終了ページ: 320
抄録: Microperforated panels (MPPs) can provide wide-band absorption without fibrous and porous materials and are recognized as next-generation absorption materials. Although the fundamental absorbing mechanism of an MPP absorber is Helmholtz-resonance absorption, sound-induced vibration of an MPP itself can affects the absorption characteristics. There have been some studies considering the effects of the sound-induced vibration and there even is a proposal to widen the absorption bandwidth by positively utilizing the vibration of an MPP itself. On the other hand, in a previous study, the relationship between MPP absorbers and panel-type absorbers was investigated with infinite theory. However, the relationship between Helmholtz-resonance absorption and panel-type absorption in finite flexible MPP absorbers has not been clarified. Herein, from the viewpoint of an absorption-characteristics transition with the perforation ratio, the relationship between Helmholtz-resonance absorption and panel-type absorption including the effects of eigen-mode vibrations of the panel is theoretically and experimentally investigated. The analytical model considers a finite flexible MPP supported in a circular duct, and the predicted data for the absorption coefficient under normal incidence is validated by an experiment using an acoustic tube. From this investigation, it is found that panel-type absorption due to eigen-mode vibrations of the panel occurs independently from Helmholtz-resonance absorption, while panel-type absorption due to a mass–spring resonance of a panel and a back cavity has a trade-off relationship with Helmholtz-resonance absorption with respect to the perforation ratio.
著作権等: © 2009 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved.
This is not the published version. Please cite only the published version.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/95081
DOI(出版社版): 10.1016/j.apacoust.2009.10.007


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