
学術雑誌掲載論文等   82

文献一覧(発行日の降順ソート): 1 - 20 / 82
Metabarcoding analysis provides insight into the link between prey and plant intake in a large alpine cat carnivore, the snow leopard
  Yoshimura, Hiroto; Hayakawa, Takashi; Kikuchi, Dale M.; Zhumabai Uulu, Kubanychbek; Qi, Huiyuan; Sugimoto, Taro; Sharma, Koustubh; Kinoshita, Kodzue (2024-05)
  Royal Society Open Science, 11(5)
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A simplified material flow analysis employing local expert judgment and its impact on uncertainty
  Naing, Wutyi; Harada, Hidenori; Fujii, Shigeo; Hmwe, Chaw Su Su (2023-07)
  Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, 25(4): 2101-2112
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Terms of Inclusion: Notes on Tharu Indigenous Activism after 2015
  Fujikura, Tatsuro (2023-06)
  Studies in Nepali History and Society, 28(1): 173-221
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Introduction: Studies on the Dynamics of Socio-cultural Change after the 2015 Nepal Gorkha Earthquake by Japan-based Researchers
  Fujikura, Tatsuro (2023-06)
  Studies in Nepali History and Society, 28(1): 69-72
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Time-series analysis of satellite imagery for detecting vegetation cover changes in Indonesia
  Furusawa, Takuro; Koera, Takuya; Siburian, Rikson; Wicaksono, Agung; Matsudaira, Kazunari; Ishioka, Yoshinori (2023-05-25)
  Scientific Reports, 13
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Detection of Escherichia coli, rotavirus, and Cryptosporidium spp. from drinking water, kitchenware, and flies in a periurban community of Lusaka, Zambia
  Asada, Yasuhiro; Chua, Min Li; Tsurumi, Mayu; Yamauchi, Taro; Nyambe, Imasiku; Harada, Hidenori (2022-07-01)
  Journal of Water and Health, 20(7): 1027-1037
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Language Socialization in Classrooms: Culture, Interaction, and Language Development, edited by Matthew J. Burdelski and Kathryn M. Howard
  Takada, Akira (2022-06)
  Contrastive Pragmatics, 3(2): 341-346
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New Dalit Assertion and the Rejection of Buffalo Sacrifice in South India
  Ikegame, Aya (2022)
  South Asia Multidisciplinary Academic Journal, 28
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Significance of seed dispersal by the largest frugivore for large-diaspore trees
  Sato, Hiroki (2022)
  Scientific Reports, 12
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Seasonal and gender impacts on fecal exposure trends in an urban slum
  Chua, Min-Li; Ahsan, Md. Nazmul; Sakai, Akira; Fujii, Shigeo; Goto, Shotaro; Kodera, Michiya; Harada, Hidenori (2021-12-01)
  Journal of Water and Health, 19(6): 946-958
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Health and well-being in small island communities: a cross-sectional study in the Solomon Islands
  Furusawa, Takuro; Pitakaka, Freda; Gabriel, Spencer; Sai, Akira; Tsukahara, Takahiro; Ishida, Takafumi (2021-11)
  BMJ Open, 11(11)
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Pragmatic reframing from distress to playfulness: !Xun caregiver responses to infant crying
  Takada, Akira (2021-08)
  Journal of Pragmatics, 181: 180-195
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モハンマド・ラシディの「知識を求める旅」 : 20世紀前半におけるインドネシアからカイロへの留学
  山口, 元樹 (2021-06-30)
  なじまぁ --Accessible Asia--, 特別号: 71-88
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<書評論文>油井美春著『現代インドにおける暴動予防の政策研究 --コミュニティ・ポリシング活動の挑戦』
  中溝, 和弥 (2021-03)
  南アジア研究, 2019(31): 135-141
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<Chapter 1> Democracy and vigilantism: The spread of Gau Rakshaks in India
  Nakamizo, Kazuya (2021-01)
  The Dynamics of Conflict and Peace in Contemporary South Asia: The State, Democracy and Social Movements (2021): 3-19
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  Mio, Minoru; Nakamizo, Kazuya; Fujikura, Tatsuro (2020-12)
  The Dynamics of Conflict and Peace in Contemporary South Asia: The State, Democracy and Social Movements (2020): 11-22
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  中溝, 和弥 (2020-12)
  国際問題, 697: 15-26
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Analyzing the popularity of YouTube videos that violate mountain gorilla tourism regulations
  Otsuka, Ryoma; Yamakoshi, Gen (2020-05-21)
  PLOS ONE, 15(5)
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Dismantling Democracy: The 2019 Indian General Election and the Formation of the 'BJP system
  Nakamizo, Kazuya (2020-04-30)
  Asian Studies, 66(2): 76-92
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  中溝, 和弥 (2020-03)
  南アジア研究, 2018(30): 109-110
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文献一覧(発行日の降順ソート): 1 - 20 / 82