%%Exp1_pecking_data.csv Subject: Subject name Date: Date of experiment Session: Session number Trial: Trial number CorrectionCount: Correction count PeckNum: number of peckings in a trial DotNum: Number of dots DotSize: Dot size (mm) DotContrast: Dot contrast (0-100) DotSpeed: Dot speed (mm/s) DotDirection: moving direction of dots (radian). 0 means rightward and positive value indicates clockwise direction GratingSF: Spatial frequency of grating (cycle/mm) GratingContrast: Grating contrast (0-100) GratingSpeed: Grating speed (mm/s) GratingDirection: drifting direction of grating (radian). 0 means rightward and positive value indicates clockwise direction. WindowOrientation: Window Orientation (radian). 0 means minor axis oriented horizontally. Positive value indicates clocksize direction. WindowRatio: Window ratio. 1 and 2 indicates circular and ellipse conditions, respectively. RespX: Horizontal pecking position relative to the ceter of monitor. Positive value indicates rightward direction. RespY: Vertical pecking position relative to the ceter of monitor. Positive value indicates downward direction. RespDirection: Pecking direction (radian). 0 means rightward and positive value indicates clockwise direction. RT: Reaction time of pecking from the onset of stimulus. Correct: Pigeons pecks correct area (1) or not (0). %%Exp1_trial_data.csv Subject: Subject name Date: Date of experiment Session: Session number Trial: Trial number CorrectionCount: Correction count DotNum: Number of dots DotSize: Dot size (mm) DotContrast: Dot contrast (0-100) DotSpeed: Dot speed (mm/s) DotDirection: moving direction of dots (radian). 0 means rightward and positive value indicates clockwise direction GratingSF: Spatial frequency of grating (cycle/mm) GratingContrast: Grating contrast (0-100) GratingSpeed: Grating speed (mm/s) GratingDirection: drifting direction of grating (radian). 0 means rightward and positive value indicates clockwise direction. WindowOrientation: Window Orientation (radian). 0 means minor axis oriented horizontally. Positive value indicates clocksize direction. WindowRatio: Window ratio. 1 and 2 indicates circular and ellipse conditions, respectively. Correct: Pigeons correct in a trial (1) or not (0). FoodAccess: Pigeons get access to food (1) or not(0). RT: Reaction time of final pecking in a trial from the onset of stimulus. %%Exp2_pecking_data.csv Subject: Subject name Date: Date of experiment Session: Session number Trial: Trial number CorrectionCount: Correction count PeckNum: number of peckings in a trial DotNum: Number of dots DotSize: Dot size (mm) DotContrast: Dot contrast (0-100) DotSpeed: Dot speed (mm/s) DotDirection: moving direction of dots (radian). 0 means rightward and positive value indicates clockwise direction C1SF: Spatial frequency of grating component 1 of plaid (cycle/mm) C1Contrast: Contrast of grating component 1 of plaid (0-100) C1Speed: Speed of grating component 1 of plaid (mm/s) C2SF: Spatial frequency of grating component 2 of plaid (cycle/mm) C2Contrast: Contrast of grating component 2 of plaid (0-100) C2Speed: Speed of grating component 2 of plaid (mm/s) C1Direction: drifting direction of component 1 (radian). 0 means rightward and positive value indicates clockwise direction. C2RelDirection: drifting direction of component 2 relative to component 1 (radian). Positive value indicates clockwise direction. RespX: Horizontal pecking position relative to the ceter of monitor. Positive value indicates rightward direction. RespY: Vertical pecking position relative to the ceter of monitor. Positive value indicates downward direction. RespDirection: Pecking direction (radian). 0 means rightward and positive value indicates clockwise direction. RT: Reaction time of pecking from the onset of stimulus. Correct: Pigeons pecks correct area (1) or not (0). %%Exp2_trial_data.csv Subject: Subject name Date: Date of experiment Session: Session number Trial: Trial number CorrectionCount: Correction count PeckNum: number of peckings in a trial DotNum: Number of dots DotSize: Dot size (mm) DotContrast: Dot contrast (0-100) DotSpeed: Dot speed (mm/s) DotDirection: moving direction of dots (radian). 0 means rightward and positive value indicates clockwise direction C1SF: Spatial frequency of grating component 1 of plaid (cycle/mm) C1Contrast: Contrast of grating component 1 of plaid (0-100) C1Speed: Speed of grating component 1 of plaid (mm/s) C2SF: Spatial frequency of grating component 2 of plaid (cycle/mm) C2Contrast: Contrast of grating component 2 of plaid (0-100) C2Speed: Speed of grating component 2 of plaid (mm/s) C1Direction: drifting direction of component 1 (radian). 0 means rightward and positive value indicates clockwise direction. C2RelDirection: drifting direction of component 2 relative to component 1 (radian). Positive value indicates clockwise direction. Correct: Pigeons correct in a trial (1) or not (0). FoodAccess: Pigeons get access to food (1) or not(0). RT: Reaction time of final pecking in a trial from the onset of stimulus.