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タイトル: 心理臨床におけるずれに関する研究 : 箱庭を介した調査より
その他のタイトル: A Study on "Difference and Its Movement" in Clinical Psychology : From Research with Sandplay
著者: 市原, 有希子  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: ICHIHARA, Yukiko
発行日: 31-Mar-2010
出版者: 京都大学大学院教育学研究科
誌名: 京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要
巻: 56
開始ページ: 167
終了ページ: 179
抄録: This study defined "difference and its movement" between two persons as a process that "first, both of two try to fit the other; then they expect to be able to fit the other, but a matter that conflicts with the expectation happens". This study aimed to illustrate that under what conditions "difference and its movement" happens or not, and after it happened, how "difference and its movement" will work on them. For this aim, this study conducted a research with sandplay, which two unacquainted subjects made a sandplay work together, putting items by turns without conversations. And two subjects answered 2 scales, the self-consciousness scale and the scale of familiarity with image. Seventeen sandplay works which were produced from the research were classified into 4 groups, from the views that whether "difference and its movement" happened or not during each making process and whether each sandplay work had unity or not. After statistical examinations, considerations from the results are as follow: regarding the degree of feeling autonomy of image, the gap of it between the two subjects relates to happen "difference and its movement". After it happened, that both of the two are familiar with irrational matters and image as a whole relates to the unity of the sandplay works. When both of the two have self-consciousness in middle to high levels and the levels are in similar extent, "difference and its movement" tends to not happen.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/108482


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