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タイトル: Rapid Oocyte Growth and Artificial Fertilization of the Larvaceans Oikopleura dioica and Oikopleura longicauda
著者: Nishino, Atsuo
Morisawa, Masaaki
発行日: Oct-1998
出版者: Zoological Society of Japan
誌名: Zoological Science
巻: 15
号: 5
開始ページ: 723
終了ページ: 727
抄録: We describe here rapid gamete growth and artificial fertilization method of species of the larvaceans (appendicularians), Oikopleura dioica and O. longicauda (Family Oikopleuridae: Class Appendicularia: Subphylum Urochordata). In these species, oocytes grew very rapidly from about 40 μm in diameter to about 75 μm (O. dioica) and 110 μm (O. longicauda), respectively within a few hr. Moreover, cutting off the gonads at the last phase of the growth stage yielded matured gametes. The eggs and sperm obtained by the dissection of gonads could be fertilized when they were mixed together.
著作権等: (c) 日本動物学会 / Zoological Society of Japan
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/108618
DOI(出版社版): 10.2108/zsj.15.723
出現コレクション:Zoological Science


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