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Title: Proposal of New Terminology for the Morphology of Nauplius Y (Crustacea: Maxillopoda: Facetotecta), with Provisional Designation of Four Naupliar Types from Japan
Authors: Ito, Tatsunori
Issue Date: Dec-1986
Publisher: Zoological Society of Japan
Journal title: Zoological Science
Volume: 4
Issue: 5
Start page: 913
End page: 918
Abstract: New terminology for the morphology of first stage nauplius y larvae, mainly for the plates on their cephalic shield, is proposed. The proposed terminology aids in the identification of plates which vary in place and/or shape among naupliar types, and simplifies the description of nauplius y larvae. Four nauplius y larvae from Japan which are cited to explain the terminology are provisionally designated as separate types, symbolized as VIII-a, IX, X, and XI, the last being for the nauplius which was formerly described as a larva of Hansenocaris pacifica Ito.
Rights: (c) 日本動物学会 / Zoological Society of Japan
Appears in Collections:Zoological Science

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