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タイトル: First Principles Calculation of CO and H-2 Adsorption on Strained Pt Surface
著者: Kuwabara, Akihide
Saito, Yohei
Koyama, Yukinori  KAKEN_id
Oba, Fumiyasu  KAKEN_id
Matsunaga, Katsuyuki
Tanaka, Isao  kyouindb  KAKEN_id  orcid https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4616-118X (unconfirmed)
キーワード: first principles calculation
metal surface
発行日: Nov-2008
出版者: Japan Institute of Metals
巻: 49
号: 11
開始ページ: 2484
終了ページ: 2490
抄録: First principles calculations are carried out to analyze adsorption of CO and H2 molecules on a Pt (111) surface and the effect of surface strain on the adsorption energy. A CO molecule is more adsorptive on the Pt (111) surface than a H2 molecule under an ordinary condition. Surface expansion enhances CO poisoning on a Pt (111) surface. On the contrary, a compressive strain reduces adsorptive strength of a CO molecule. Similar tendency is also found in adsorption of a H2 molecule on the bridge, fcc-hollow, and hcp-hollow sites. However, H2 adsorption on the top site is less affected by the strain. As a consequence, the difference of adsorption energies between CO and H2 molecules becomes smaller when compressive strain is introduced into the Pt (111) surface. Based on thermodynamics, surface coverage ratio is quantitatively evaluated with taking into account the effect of surface strain and partial pressure of gas phase. It is revealed that compressive strain improves probability of H2 adsorption on Pt surface.
著作権等: Copyright (c) 2008 The Japan Institute of Metals
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/109953
DOI(出版社版): 10.2320/matertrans.MB200817


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