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タイトル: AMSペニールインプラントインフレータブル型モデル700の臨床試験成績
その他のタイトル: A clinical evaluation of AMS 700 penile prosthesis in the treatment of impotence
著者: 白井, 将文  KAKEN_name
高波, 真佐治  KAKEN_name
金子, 茂男  KAKEN_name
藤岡, 知昭  KAKEN_name
青木, 光  KAKEN_name
岡本, 重禮  KAKEN_name
貫井, 文彦  KAKEN_name
藤野, 淡人  KAKEN_name
木原, 裕二  KAKEN_name
中野, 博  KAKEN_name
万波, 誠  KAKEN_name
大西, 洋行  KAKEN_name
上領, 頼啓  KAKEN_name
平尾, 博  KAKEN_name
加藤, 雅久  KAKEN_name
日田, 官  KAKEN_name
山田, 陽司  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Shirai, Masafumi
Takanami, Masaharu
Kaneko, Shigeo
Fujioka, Tomoaki
Aoki, Hikaru
Okamoto, Shigehiro
Nukui, Fumihiko
Fujino, Awato
Kihara, Yuji
Nakano, Hiroshi
Mannami, Makoto
Oonishi, Hiroyuki
Kamiryo, Yoriaki
Hirao, Hiroshi
Kato, Masahisa
Hida, Tsukasa
Yamada, Yuji
キーワード: Adult
Erectile Dysfunction/surgery
Evaluation Studies as Topic
Middle Aged
Multicenter Studies as Topic
Postoperative Complications
Prostheses and Implants/standards
発行日: May-1989
出版者: 泌尿器科紀要刊行会
誌名: 泌尿器科紀要
巻: 35
号: 5
開始ページ: 913
終了ページ: 920
抄録: 器質性インポテンスと混合型インポテンス患者計34名に対し, AMSペニールインプラントインフレータブル型モデル700をインプラントした.1)患者の満足度は, 非常に満足23例(67.7%), 満足7例(20.6%), やや不満3例(8.8%), 悪化1例(2.9%)であった.2)重度の合併症は2例に生じた.2例とも感染によるもので, 最終的には2例ともプロステーシスを抜去した.3)有用性の評価はきわめて有用26例(76.5%), 有用7例(20.6%), 好ましくない1例(2.9%)であった
The AMS 700TM & 700 CXTM penile prosthesis was implanted in 34 organic and mixed-type impotent patients between November, 1984 and July, 1988. The patients' ages ranged between 32 and 70, with an average age of 57.2. Twelve weeks after implantation, the prosthesis was evaluated in terms of patient satisfaction with sexual intercourse and postoperative complications. Twenty three patients (67.7%) were highly satisfied, 7 (20.3%) satisfied, 3 (8.8%) dissatisfied and 1 patient worsened (2.9%). Severe complication was found in two cases, both of them being complicated by infection; as a result the prosthesis was removed. Utility of the prosthesis, e.g. effectiveness and safety was; high utility in 26 cases (76.5%), moderate utility in 7 cases (20.6%), and no favorable in one case (2.9%). Thus, overall effectiveness and safety of the AMS 700 penile prosthesis, with its excellent cosmetic appearance upon implantation, were demonstrated by the above findings.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/116516
PubMed ID: 2678969
出現コレクション:Vol.35 No.5


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