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タイトル: 前立腺癌におけるER-D5(エストロゲンレセプター関連抗原)の測定とその意義
その他のタイトル: Determination of ER-D5 (estrogen receptor related antigen) in prostatic cancer and its significance
著者: 大石, 睦夫  KAKEN_name
三宅, 弘治  KAKEN_name
越川, 卓  KAKEN_name
浅井, 淳平  KAKEN_name
村瀬, 達良  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Ohishi, Mutsuo
Miyake, Koji
Koshikawa, Takashi
Asai, Junpei
Murase, Tatsurou
キーワード: Prostatic cancer
Estrogen receptor
発行日: Jul-1992
出版者: 泌尿器科紀要刊行会
誌名: 泌尿器科紀要
巻: 38
号: 7
開始ページ: 789
終了ページ: 796
抄録: 1)前立腺癌では, 39.8%, 前立腺肥大では, 100%にER-D5陽性の結果がえられ, ER-D5陽性前立腺癌症例の方が, 治療開始後一定期間はER-D5陰性症例より明らかに高い生存率をえた.2)前立腺癌再燃のため, 再度前立腺癌組織採取が可能であった症例では, 再燃時には, ER-D5陽性は1例も認めなかった
The existence of an estrogen receptor and various other sex steroid receptors has been confirmed in prostatic cancer. However, the action mechanism of hormone therapy and relationship between the disappearance of hormone response, which is observed in the recurrence of prostatic cancer, and various sex steroid receptors have yet to be identified. The use of monoclonal antibody ERICA is known as a method of detecting the estrogen receptor in the immuno-histological chemistry method. However, this monoclonal antibody is difficult to use on paraffin sections. Therefore, using monoclonal antibody D5, which allows ER-D5 detection of the estrogen receptor related antigen on paraffin sections, we investigated whether or not estrogen receptors are present in the prostatic cancer preparation and studied the survival rate of prostatic cancer as well as relationship with recurrence. Positive ER-D5 results were obtained in 37 of 93 prostatic cancer cases (39.8%) and in all 20 prostatic hypertrophy cases (100%). ER-D5 tended to be more densely stained in prostatic hypertrophy than in prostatic cancer. The survival rate was obviously higher in the ER-D5 positive prostatic cancer cases than in ER-D5 negative cases for a certain period of time after the start of treatment. Despite differences in the histo-differentiation degree and clinical stage of prostatic cancer, the ER-D5 positive percentage did not change and remained between 35% and 45%. In cases where another prostatic cancer preparation was taken because of recurrence of prostatic cancer, there were no ER-D5 positive cases at the time of recurrence.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/117605
PubMed ID: 1381866
出現コレクション:Vol.38 No.7


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