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タイトル: 経皮的ドレナージにより対処しえた感染嚢胞を伴った慢性透析中の嚢胞腎の1例
その他のタイトル: Successful percutaneous drainage for infected cysts in polycystic kidney disease in a case of chronic hemodialysis
著者: 平野, 章治  KAKEN_name
小橋, 一功  KAKEN_name
美川, 郁夫  KAKEN_name
北川, 清秀  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: HIRANO, Shoji
KOBASHI, Kazunori
KITAGAWA, Kiyohide
キーワード: Percutaneous drainage
Polycystic kidney
Infected cysts
発行日: May-1987
出版者: 泌尿器科紀要刊行会
誌名: 泌尿器科紀要
巻: 33
号: 5
開始ページ: 765
終了ページ: 770
抄録: A 60-year-old woman, who had been receiving chronic hemodialysis for chronic renal failure due to polycystic disease for 7 years, was admitted to our hospital with the chief complaints of right flank pain and high-grade fever on February 3, 1986. She had a family history of polycystic kidney disease and her elder sister has been undergoing chronic hemodialysis. The patient has had repeated episodes of urinary tract infection. The right markedly distended kidney was palpated with severe tenderness, and the performance status was poor. Computerized tomography showed the right kidney enlarging beyond the median line, but localization of the infected cysts was not clear. The 7-day intensive antibiotic therapy had no beneficial effect. On the 8th hospital day, percutaneous drainage, which was carried out for a large cyst with low-level echoes using ultrasonic guidance, yielded 600 ml of hemopurulent fluid. Bacterial culture of the aspirated fluid was positive for Escherichia coli. As the clinical symptoms did not improve after the 8th day, 10 Fr. catheter placement, percutaneous drainage and catheter placement were added for other cysts containing hemopurulent fluid. Although hematopyuria persisted, the patient became afebrile and the right kidney became smaller and softer. Both catheters were removed on the 30th hospital day. Repeated computerized tomography or ultrasonography revealed a few hyperdense or hyperechoic cysts in the right kidney. However, no recurrence of high-grade fever or right flank pain has been seen for 3 months. Ultrasonic-guided percutaneous drainage has a great potential for patient care of infected cysts in polycystic kidney disease.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/119122
PubMed ID: 3661343
出現コレクション:Vol.33 No.5


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