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タイトル: 機能的単腎者に生じた腎外傷後急性腎不全例
その他のタイトル: Acute renal failure after renal trauma in a case of a functional solitary kidney
著者: 浜, 尾巧  KAKEN_name
田中, 宏樹  KAKEN_name
大山, 登  KAKEN_name
黒子, 幸一  KAKEN_name
高橋, 剛  KAKEN_name
長田, 尚夫  KAKEN_name
井上, 武夫  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: HAMAO, Takumi
TANAKA, Hiroki
OHYAMA, Noboru
KUROKO, Koichi
OSADA, Takao
INOUE, Takeo
キーワード: Renal trauma
Solitary kidney
Renal failure
発行日: May-1987
出版者: 泌尿器科紀要刊行会
誌名: 泌尿器科紀要
巻: 33
号: 5
開始ページ: 762
終了ページ: 764
抄録: Herein we report a case of acute renal failure after renal trauma in a patient with contralateral hypoplastic kidney. The patient was treated conservatively including temporary hemodialysis successfully. In the case of renal trauma, the status and function of the contralateral kidney must be evaluated first, and in the case of a solitary kidney, treatment should be centered on the preservation of its function.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/119123
PubMed ID: 3661342
出現コレクション:Vol.33 No.5


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