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ThermalCreep-Vertjcal,.WMVVideo file6.81 MBWindows Media Video見る/開く
MD5 : 19f026ec025e8eb666aff7d2703ed682
Note-Video-c.pdfExplanatory notes77.42 kBAdobe PDF見る/開く
タイトル: Video file: Simple demonstration of a rarefied gas flow induced over a plane wall with a temperature gradient
著者: Sone, Yoshio
著者名の別形: 曾根, 良夫
キーワード: rarefied gas
kinetic theory of gas
thermal creep flow
gas dynamics
fluid dynamics
発行日: 1991
抄録: A rarefied gas flow induced over a plane wall set vertically and heated on its lower part is detected by a small windmill in front of the plate. The experiment is done under the pressure from the atmospheric condition down to 0.5 Torr in a vacuum chamber prepared in a bell jar found in most of chemistry departments. With decrease of the pressure, the transition from an upward flow due to natural convection to a downward rarefied gas flow induced by a temperature gradient on the wall is observed by the reversal of the direction of rotation of the windmill.
記述: The video cannot be seen directly on Web. One has to download the file in one's computer and see the video on it.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/120983
出現コレクション:曾根 良夫


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