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タイトル: 尿路悪性腫瘍を含む重複癌の臨床的検討
著者: 矢崎, 恒忠  KAKEN_name
内田, 克紀  KAKEN_name
菅谷, 公男  KAKEN_name
武島, 仁  KAKEN_name
飯泉, 達夫  KAKEN_name
梅山, 知一  KAKEN_name
根本, 真一  KAKEN_name
根本, 良介  KAKEN_name
林正, 健二  KAKEN_name
高橋, 茂喜  KAKEN_name
小川, 由英  KAKEN_name
加納, 勝利  KAKEN_name
北川, 龍一  KAKEN_name
石川, 悟  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Yazaki, Tsunetada
Uchida, Katsunori
Sugaya, Kimio
Takeshima, Hitoshi
Iizumi, Tatsuo
Umeyama, Tomokazu
Nemoto, Shinichi
Nemoto, Ryosuke
Rinsho, Kenji
Takahashi, Shigeki
Ogawa, Yoshihide
Kanoh, Shori
Kitagawa, Ryuichi
Ishikawa, Satoru
発行日: May-1982
出版者: 京都大学医学部泌尿器科学教室
誌名: 泌尿器科紀要
巻: 28
号: 5
開始ページ: 517
終了ページ: 521
抄録: Reports on multiple primary malignant tumors have been increasing in recent years as the lifespan has prolonged remarkably due to the astonishing advancement in modern medicine. Six patients with multiple malignant tumors associated with genitourinary organs were seen at our urological department during the five years starting from October 1, 1976. We describe the results of the clinical studies made on these 6 patients and review the pertinent literature. Results of clinical studies described are summarized as follows: 1) Patients' ages ranged from 72 to 77 years. Male to female ratio was 5 to 1. 2) Bladder tumor was found in 4 patients, and prostate cancer and penile cancer in 1 patient each. 3) The primary organs of malignancies other than genitourinary organs were sigmoid colon in 3 patients and stomach, pancreas and lung in 1 patient each. 4) The two primary tumors were diagnosed simultaneously in 3 patients and within 18 months in 3 patients. 5) As expected after diagnoses of secondary primary malignancy, the prognoses of the patients were not good. All patients except 2 died within 12 months. One patient has been living for more than 24 months despite the presence of unresectable in situ sigmoid colon cancer. Another has been in hospital for more than 2 months after surgery.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/123093
出現コレクション:Vol.28 No.5


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