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Increased oxidative stress in AOA3 cells disturbs ATM-dependent DNA damage responses.
  Kobayashi, Junya; Saito, Yuichiro; Okui, Michiyo; Miwa, Noriko; Komatsu, Kenshi (2015-04)
  Mutation research. Genetic toxicology and environmental mutagenesis, 782: 42-50
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NBS1 and multiple regulations of DNA damage response
  Komatsu, Kenshi (2016-08-16)
  Journal of Radiation Research, 57(S1): i11-i17
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NBS1 is regulated by two kind of mechanisms: ATM-dependent complex formation with MRE11 and RAD50, and cell cycle–dependent degradation of protein
  Zhou, Hui; Kawamura, Kasumi; Yanagihara, Hiromi; Kobayashi, Junya; Zhang-Akiyama, Qiu-Mei (2017-07)
  Journal of Radiation Research, 58(4): 487-494
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