


検索結果表示: 21-30 / 401.
Estimation of Average Treatment Effects Using Panel Data when Treatment Effects Are Heterogeneous by Unobserved Fixed Effects
  Sakaguchi, Shosei (2017-04-07)
  KIER Discussion Paper, 970
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Trade Liberalization, Division of Labor and Welfare under Oligopoly
  Fujiwara, Kenji; Kamei, Keita (2016-09)
  KIER Discussion Paper, 949
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介護費用長期推計の比較分析 : 欧州委員会「エイジング・レポート」をもとに
  明村, 聖加; 小嶋, 大造 (2016-09)
  KIER Discussion Paper, 1604
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On the Nonlinear Relationship between Inflation and Growth: A Theoretical Exposition
  Arawatari, Ryo; Hori, Takeo; Mino, Kazuo (2016-09)
  KIER Discussion Paper, 950
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The impact of monetary strategies on inflation persistence
  Evžen Kočenda; Balázs Varga (2016-04)
  KIER Discussion Paper, 938
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Trade in parts and components across Europe
  Richard Frensch; Jan Hanousek; Evžen Kočenda (2016-04)
  KIER Discussion Paper, 939
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企業の現金保有と資本制約 : 金融危機後の中国企業データを用いた分析
  張, 冬洋; 何, 彦旻 (2016-03)
  KIER Discussion Paper, 1511
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社会資本によるスピルオーバー効果と地域経済成長 : 市町村データを用いた高速道路整備効果の実証分析
  要藤, 正任; 吉村, 有博 (2016-08)
  KIER Discussion Paper, 1603
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Stabilization Effects of Taxation Rules in Small-Open Economies with Endogenous Growth
  Chen, Been-Lon; Hu, Yunfang; Mino, Kazuo (2016-07)
  KIER Discussion Paper, 946
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Iterative Revelation Mechanisms
  Sano, Ryuji (2016-03)
  KIER Discussion Paper, 937
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