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Title: 巨大地震災害時の交通施設の機能低下に起因する社会経済損失の計量化に関する研究
Other Titles: Economic Loss Assessment caused by Lessened Transportation Network Function at a Great Earthquake
Authors: 土屋, 哲  KAKEN_name
多々納, 裕一  kyouindb  KAKEN_id  orcid (unconfirmed)
岡田, 憲夫  KAKEN_name
Author's alias: TSUCHIYA, Satoshi
TATANO, Hirokazu
OKADA, Norio
Keywords: 間接被害
indirect economic loss
SCGE model
short-run equilibrium
scenario analysis
Issue Date: 1-Apr-2004
Publisher: 京都大学防災研究所
Journal title: 京都大学防災研究所年報. B
Volume: 47
Issue: B
Start page: 57
End page: 67
Abstract: 今世紀中に発生が懸念される東海・東南海地震などの地震災害では,想定される被害の大きさや直接的な被災地域外への被害の波及といった点から,多主体の広域的な協調的施策が求められる。本研究では,空間的応用一般均衡モデルを用いて地域間の産業連関や業務トリップという形での旅客流動を考慮した地域経済のモデル化を行い,地震災害関連シナリオに伴う交通施設の機能低下に起因する被害の空間的帰着構造を分析する。
We have threats for giant earthquakes such as Tokai and To-Nankai earthquakes in a century.Cooperative strategy between regional-central government and individual firms may be required forcountermeasures and risk management, due to propagation effect as well as high impacts of the damages.This report deals with regional socio-economic system by a spatial computable general equilibrium(SCGE) model, which considers both commodity and passenger flow. Economic loss is computed by thismodel with some lessened transportation network function scenarios at a giant earthquake.
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