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タイトル: 北宋徽宗時代と首都開封
その他のタイトル: The Capital Kaifeng in the Age of Emperor Huizong of the Northern Song
著者: 久保田, 和男  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: KUBOTA, Kazuo
発行日: Mar-2005
出版者: 東洋史研究会
誌名: 東洋史研究
巻: 63
号: 4
開始ページ: 615
終了ページ: 649
抄録: It can rightly be claimed that in the Kaifeng 開封 of the early period of the Northern Song the function of the capital as the center of military power dominated spatially and visually. That is to say, it was a capital that excelled in all the worldly functions required of a capital. However, the Palace Command encampment 禁軍軍營 at its center had been greatly reduced in the military reforms of Wang Anshi 王安石. With the coming of the age of Huizong 徽宗, the supernatural, sacred functions of the capital were consolidated and spatially and visually renewed. The transformation of the northeastern area of the old city was particularly remarkable. The Yanfugong 延福宮 was constructed in the northern part of the old city and the imperial compound was thus expanded. Then, the Shangqingbaolugong 上清寳籙宮 and Genyue 艮嶽 were constructed on the eastern side of the area bounded by the Donghuamen road 東華門街. The latter two structures were deeply related to the Shenxiao sect 神霄派 of Daoism. In the preaching of Lin Lingsu 林靈素 of the Shenxiao sect, Huizong was the Lord of Longevity 長生帝君, who had descended from heaven. Huizong planned to utilize such preaching to enhance his authority. The Shangqingbaolugong was the temple where the Shenxiao conducted rituals, and the Genyue was the facility where the god would descend. In other words, the reorganization of space was the product of Caijing 蔡京, who attempted to strengthen his power base and expand the authority of Emperor Huizong, and the political activity of his sect. The palace was linked to the Shangqingbaolugong and the Genyue via a special road upon the Jinglongmen 景龍門 a device to permit Huizong to travel easily between the secular and sacred realms. He enhanced his authority by being simultaneously both the emperor and Lord of Longevity. The road that went north out the Jinglongmen was the central axis of Kaifeng in the time of Huizong. The Shangyuanguandeng (Lantern Festival) ceremony in particular was conducted there with great pomp. The torches were lit to ornament the Jinglongmen from the twelfth month, prior to decoration of the main gate of the imperial compound, and the prohibition on night-time excursion was lifted on the Donghuamen road below the Jinglongmen, and an all-night market was given special pennission to operate. The joint participation of the ruling class, including Huizong, and the common people in this ceremony was devised to heighten consciousness of prosperity of the realm and the authority of Huizong and the Northern Song regime.
DOI: 10.14989/138151
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/138151


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