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タイトル: 近世朝鮮時代の古朝鮮認識 (特集 東アジア史の中での韓國・朝鮮史)
その他のタイトル: The Understanding of the Ancient Joseon Dynasties during the Early-Modern Joseon Dynasty
著者: 矢木, 毅  kyouindb  KAKEN_id  orcid https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5159-1862 (unconfirmed)
著者名の別形: YAGI, Takeshi
発行日: Dec-2008
出版者: 東洋史研究会
誌名: 東洋史研究
巻: 67
号: 3
開始ページ: 402
終了ページ: 433
抄録: Behind the use of Joseon, the early-modern country's name, was the consciousness that the country was the legitimate successor of Dangun Joseon 檀君朝鮮 and the ancient state of Gija Joseon 箕子朝鮮, which were thought to have actually existed in ancient times. The legends of Dangun Joseon and Gija Joseon are each indivisibly tied to the area of present-day Pyeongyang, and Seoul, the new capital of the Joseon dynasty, had from olden times been known as Pyeongyang of the South. Pyeongyang had flourished as the seat of government of Nangnang 樂浪郡 district, but with the southern advance of Goguryeo, Nangnang was destroyed and a temporary seat of government 僑郡 for the region was established in Liaodeng/Liaoxi 遼東・遼西 area. Pyeongyang once again flourished as the capital of Goguryeo, but with the Tang dynasty's destruction of Goguryeo, exiles streamed into the Liaodeng/Liaoxi region. These people brought with them to Liaodeng and Liaoxi the memory of the land around Pyeongyang that symbolized past glories and legend of Gija Joseon, which was inextricably tied to the Pyeongyang region. The people of early-modern Joseon who later "discovered" the legend came to see precisely this as proof of Gija Joseon's control of Liaodeng/Liaoxi, and came to argue that Gija Joseon had moved from Pyeonyang of Liaoxi, to Pyeongyang of Liaodeng, and finally to Pyeongyang of the Korean peninsula. This image of the territory of Gija Joseon, of course, overlapped with that of the territory of the Joseon kingdom of Dangun, the progenitor of the people. In this manner the image of the territory of the Ancient Joseon 古朝鮮 dynasties was "proven" through the records in the Chinese histories for early-modern Joseon.
DOI: 10.14989/152116
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/152116


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