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Results 11-17 of 17 (Search time: 0.006 seconds).
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  宮嶋, 博史 (1981-12-31)
  東洋史研究, 40(3): 573-573
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  森田, 明 (1981-12-31)
  東洋史研究, 40(3): 565-571
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  檀上, 寛 (1981-12-31)
  東洋史研究, 40(3): 572-573
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  福原, 啓郎 (1981-12-31)
  東洋史研究, 40(3): 572-572
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  竺沙, 雅章 (1981-12-31)
  東洋史研究, 40(3): 576-577
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  堀, 敏一 (1981-12-31)
  東洋史研究, 40(3): 576-576
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  福井, 重雅 (1981-12-31)
  東洋史研究, 40(3): 573-574
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