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タイトル: 劉六劉七の亂について
その他のタイトル: The Revolt of Liu Liu 劉六 and Liu Qi 劉七
著者: 西村, 元照  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Nishimura, Genshō
発行日: 31-Mar-1974
出版者: 東洋史研究會
誌名: 東洋史研究
巻: 32
号: 4
開始ページ: 478
終了ページ: 520
抄録: There were peasant rebellions all over China in the early sixteenth century. The rebellion of Liu Liu and Liu Qi was one of the greatest ones. Because of so-called "Huang hai" 皇害 (imperial incompetence) and the arbitrary behavior of local officials which was linked with it, the whole country fell into a panic, and at last there occurred a large scale peasant rebellion around the capital where the exploitation was the severest. At first, in the 4th year of Zheng De 正徳 (1509), the rebellion took the form of banditry, but, in the 6th year (1511), the rising spread to He-bei 河北, Shan-dong 山東, He-nan 河南, Shan-xi 山西, Jiang-su 江蘇, An-hui 安徽, and Hu-bei 湖北 provinces, then at last it was defeated in late July of 1512. In July of 1511, at Cang-zhou 滄州, a program was adopted, which systematized tactics which had succeeded since the uprising began, and embodied the slogan "Jian guo fu xian" 建國扶賢, and projected an assault upon Nanking 南京 and reliance upon Princes 皇親王 of the Ming imperial house. After Yang Hu 楊虎 died at the end of November, the rebel army divided into a He-bei band commanded by Liu Liu and a He-nan band under Liu San 劉三 and Zhao Fengzi 趙風子. In the vicinity of Xin-cai 新蔡 county the He-nan force was reorganized with the introduction of order and discipline, pledging to overthrow the Ming and establish a rebel government. But within a few-months, the He-nan force was defeated, and next the He-bei band was destroyed. The most conspicuous characteristic of this revolt was its guerrilla tactics, but it was only possible because of massive support by the peasantry. Through the analysis of the leaders, we can find two more special features of this revolt ; one is that it has the aspect of a riot by the peasants on account of starvation, yet another point is that it was a rebellion conducted under the auspices of the privileged classes. These characteristics were reflected in the Cang-zhou program and kept it from being complete. It was because such intellectuals as Zhao Fengzi joined in it that it escaped from this incompleteness. But the intellectuals had their own limitations.
DOI: 10.14989/153529
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/153529


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