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タイトル: 方臘の亂と喫菜事魔
その他のタイトル: The Fang La 方臘 Revolt and the Chi-cai-shi-mo 喫菜事魔 Sect
著者: 竺沙, 雅章  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Chikusa, Masaaki
発行日: 31-Mar-1974
出版者: 東洋史研究會
誌名: 東洋史研究
巻: 32
号: 4
開始ページ: 455
終了ページ: 477
抄録: It is commonly accepted that the Fang La Revolt at the end of the Northern Song 北宋 Dynasty was fomented by the Chi-cai-shi-mo or Manicheans. No contemporary authorities, however, report that Fang La was a Manichean. On the contrary his "Yao-shu" 妖術 (Sorcery) was influenced rather by Buddhistic methods like those described in the Chin-ji 讖記 section of the Bao-zhi 寳誌 and Ye-jing 業鏡 ("Mirror of Karma"). It is said that Manicheanism was introduced into Fu-jian 福建, and Liang-zhe 兩浙 during the Song period. It was, no doubt, being taught in Wen Zhou 溫州 and Tai Zhou 臺州 around the time of the revolt. It is therefore possible that people such as Lu Shi-nang 呂師囊 who rose in revolt in Tai Zhou in response to Fang La, were Manicheans. But there is no evidence that the religion had been introduced by this time into Mu Zhou 睦州, the center of the revolt. Moreover, it was only after the capture of Fang La and the destruction of the main force of the revolt that a ban was imposed on the practice of Chi-cai-shi-mo. The ban was, in fact, imposed as one of the means for suppressing the remnants of the revolt in the Tai Zhou region. Thus, Fang La himself and the main force of the revolt lead by him were not Manicheans, though Manicheans seemed to have joined this revolt in Wen Zhou and Tai Zhou.
DOI: 10.14989/153530
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/153530


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