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タイトル: 大豆粕流通と淸代の商業的農業
その他のタイトル: Commercial Farming and the Use of Soybean-meal Fertilizer in the Ch'ing Dynasty
著者: 足立, 啓二  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Adachi, Keiji
発行日: 31-Dec-1978
出版者: 東洋史研究會
誌名: 東洋史研究
巻: 37
号: 3
開始ページ: 361
終了ページ: 389
抄録: At the end of the Ming and beginning of the Ch'ing, a class of rich farmers developed, as may be seen in Mr. Shen's Book of Agriculture 沈氏農書. Cultivating a comparatively large area with the aid of hired labour, they formed a class called "upper peasants" 上農 or "rich farmers" 富農 and aimed at production for sale. One of the conditions for the development of this class was the introduction of labour-saving methods of fertilization, which was the basis of cultivation. This need was met by such commercial fertilizer as soybean-meal fertilizer. The use of soybean-meal as fertilizer began in the middle of the Ming dynasty, but only on a regional basis. Its use became widespread during the early Ch'ing, and by the Ch'ien-lung 乾隆 and Chia-ch'ing 嘉慶 periods, apart from the Northeast, Shantung, North Honan, and North Kiangsu, it was also shipped by sea and river transport to the lower Yangtze in large quantities. It held a position of first importance in Ch'ing commerce, and even including illegal smuggling remained one of the most important products of the period. Quantities traded were sufficient to supply all the needs of the lower Yangtze area. That this area was able to purchase fertilizeris proof of the high level small scale commercial farming had reached. However, in the later years of the dynasty, although soybean-meal was shipped to sugar-cane farmers in Kuangtung and Fukien, it became scarce in the Shanghai area. Also, the amount transported by river into Honan, Southern Anhui, and Northern Kiangsu was greatly reduced. Thereafter, the introduction of foreign products and the likin system changed the conditions of commerce in fertilizer. The drop in prices and rise in wages resulting from imported cloth formed the background for the decline of commercial farming in the lower Yangtze area.
DOI: 10.14989/153711
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/153711


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