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タイトル: 雲夢睡虎地秦漢墓被葬者の出自について
その他のタイトル: The origins of the dead buried in the Qin Han tombs at Shuihudi, Yunmeng County 雲夢睡虎地
著者: 閒瀨, 收芳  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: MASE, Kazuyoshi
発行日: 30-Sep-1982
出版者: 東洋史研究會
誌名: 東洋史研究
巻: 41
号: 2
開始ページ: 197
終了ページ: 229
抄録: The excavation of the Qin Han tombs in Shuihudi, Yunmeng County, Hubei Province and the discovery of the Qinlu 秦律 has opened a new vista in the understanding of China's ancient history. Although many monographs have been published up until today, it was since last year that the new studies appeared, concluding that the dead buried were men of Qin. Clarification, as much as it is possible, of the origins of the dead can benefit research hereafter. Therefore, I shall present several points regarding these burials which have been investigated. According to the study of the flexed burial in tomb number eleven, the owner of the tomb could not have been a man of Chu 楚. It was also clear that the ding 鼎 unearthed from several of the tombs, after having been examined individually, could not have been the funerary objects of a !・nan of Chu. Thus, judging from such things as the Qin-style of the funerary objects and the excavated jiandu 簡牘, the dead buried there were probably men of Qin. However, split logs were set up on top of all the outer coffins in these tombs. And in several of the tombs, a skull of cow or horse had also been laid down. According to a study of this unique style of burial and its custom, the ancestral tribe of the dead buried there could not have been purely Qin. It is guessed that they had belonged to one of the various tribes under the leadership of the Qin. Furthermore, in addition to the head and side boxes filled with abundant funerary objects, there were wall niches dug out to hold ceramic containers used in daily life. Concerning such an unusual design, following a study of the Warring States tombs found in Banpo 半坡 in the city of Xi'an 西安, it is suggested that this tribe was forcibly moved from their native land into the central region of the Qin. Following an investigation of both several of the funerary objects, including the excavation of mou 鍪 (a Kind of cooking pot) which had been developed in Bashu 巴蜀 (Sichuan Province), and the literary documents, including the "Chronicle", it is supposed that after entering Bashu, this tribe, going along the Han River 漢江, arrived at Yunmeng in Chu. Finally, the author has investigated the points at which this emigrant Qin tribe had assimilated itself to the culture of native Chu peoples.
DOI: 10.14989/153860
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/153860


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