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Title: 張作霖政權下の奉天省民政と社會 : 王永江を中心として
Other Titles: Civil Administration and Society in Fengtian 奉天 under the Zhang Zuolin 張作霖 Regime : A Look at Wang Yongjiang 王永江
Authors: 澁谷, 由里  KAKEN_name
Author's alias: SHIBUTANI, Yuri
Issue Date: 30-Jun-1993
Publisher: 東洋史研究會
Journal title: 東洋史研究
Volume: 52
Issue: 1
Start page: 84
End page: 117
Abstract: This paper aims to explain the logic and actual conditions of the rule over regional society, and regional society's wishes for and participation in politics in Fengtian under the regime of Zhang Zuolin (1916-28). Specifically, it considers the civil administration and finances of Fengtian, during the Baojing Anmin 保境安民 period (1922-24), with special attention given to Wang Yong Jiang, a central figure from the last years of the Qing to the rebellion of Guo Songling 郭松齡. Wang aimed for the stabilization and the independence of the administration and finances of Fengtian, being problems since the last years of the Qing. To accomplish his goals, it was necessary for him to make the Fengtian Army contribute to public order, to absorb regionally influential men into the lower levels of the regime, and to reflect in politics this group's desire for regional development. While the desires of locally influential men were manifested in the Rights Recovery Movement and while there were some successes such as the construction of railways and the establishment of Northeastern University 東北大學, political policies which demanded the long-term plan of the actualization of rule in the areas of financial stabilization and civil administration were not maintained under the strengthening of the military governance. So, it could be said there was a kind of limit. Nevertheless, for regional society, the Zhang Zuolin regime was the first regional government that may be judged as having made some contribution to society, and the first in which men from the Fengtian region assumed responsibility for both military governance and civil administration.
DOI: 10.14989/154425
Appears in Collections:52巻1号

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