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タイトル: 宋代政治構造試論 : 對と議を手掛りにして
その他のタイトル: A Preliminary Essay on Political Structure in Sung China : Taking Yi 議 and Dui 對 as Clues
著者: 平田, 茂樹  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: HlRATA, Shigeki
発行日: 31-Mar-1994
出版者: 東洋史研究會
誌名: 東洋史研究
巻: 52
号: 4
開始ページ: 627
終了ページ: 654
抄録: This article analyzes yi and dui which played important roles in decision of policies and existed outside the process from design to enforcement of policies, carried out in three departments, that is, Department of Secretariat (中書省 Zhong Shu Sheng), of Chancellery (門下省 Men Xia Sheng), and of State Affairs (尚書省 Shang Shu Sheng), aiming to make clear a political structure of the Sung Dynasty. Results are as follows: 1) Yi contained three forms, first, yi of all officials, at which all officials discussed grave matters of the State, second, yi of the Department of State Affairs and of state councilors (宰執 Zai Zhi), held constantly in the process of designing policies, and third, yi of attendants (侍從 Shi Cong) and censors and remonstrators (臺諫 Tai Jian), held according to circumstances mainly for matters on ritual regulations. The latter played an important role in discussing policies and appeared frequently in sources above all. 2) Dui, the system of shang dian zou shi 上殿奏事, played a part to connect the emperor with officials directly and broadly, taking various forms--zhuandui 轉對, zhaodui 召對, rudui 入對, yindui 引對, and so on. When we look at the right to speak to the emperor, making the dui as a clue, a superiority of state councilors and censors and remonstrators was remarkable, and when this function ran well, an influence of censors and remonstrators could be a match for that of state councilors. 3) The politics of the Sung Dynasty were operated by the three-poles-structure, constructed of the emperor, who had the supreme power to propose and decide the will of the State, and state councilors, who planned the policies, and attendants and censors and remonstrators, who discussed and amended the policies. As cleared in (1) and (2), attendants and censors and remonstrators had the political power in the yi and dui systems, so they occupied one of the three poles in this structure.
DOI: 10.14989/154468
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/154468


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